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Sunday February 7th, 2021 @ 4:41am

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lee-ee-ek Bluefern - Ek

Name Lee-ee-ek "Maddison" Bluefern - Ek

Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Velurian
Age 517

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 178 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description "Maddison" has a unique tendency to shimmer in the light, as her aquatic field generator isn't designed to alter the light as it passes through. She is otherwise almost human in appearance, barring her gills, though her skin takes on a blue-ish hue.


Spouse L'sa Bluefern-Ek, Chief Warrant Officer Robert Tyler(Deceased)
Children None
Father (Unknown)
Mother Va-ra-ek
Brother(s) (Approximately 200)
Sister(s) (Approximately 750)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lee-ee is not what you would consider a subtle person. Her people have little use for subtletly, and her name literally meaning "The littlest one" heavily implies most of her life, she has had to fight to be respected, so she occasionally comes off brutish. She isn't, once you get to know her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strictly speaking, Maddison is an amphibious entity, though she starts to have breathing trouble after she remains outside of aquatic environments for more than a week.

While she suffers from an illness that makes her develop much slower than the average Velurian, that isn't to say she's weak by human standards. The fact that human standards construe her as "approximately normal human strength" is below average for her people, but sufficient.

Some people find the musical notes that come through her suit, which are more or less filtered versions of the language she speaks bothersome.
Hobbies & Interests Lee-ee-ek is, above all else, a warrior. Her people are warriors. It's just their way. She is also a nerd by Velurian standards, as she spent many years underdeveloped, bullied, and forced into less warrior-centric hobbies growing up.

She has an unusually good understanding of most forms of propulsion for a security grunt, but her scientific and engineering prowess more or less begins and ends on this subject.

Personal History Lee-ee-ek spent the first 490-odd years of her life bullied. Hated. Disliked. She was small. Tiny. "The littlest one"(A common joke between her and her spouse).

She had spent most of her life learning ways to fight without strength. How to fight a superior opponent. How to outsmart an opponent. She also studied the ways of other tribes, because reading was one of the few hobbies she could indulge in that others couldn't make fun of because half of them couldn't actually read.

It seemed like The Littlest One of the Ek tribe was not destined for any particular greatness until the land-dwelling tribe, the Delasi, enlisted her help in designing her species' first interstellar drives.

Then, she became The Inventor which isn't to say that anyone in her tribe particularly thought any better of her. They thought her a madwoman, actually.

Until the Cardassians came.

The dominion war was not kind to Velur IV. Thousands died. An entire sub-species of Velurian had been killed.

The land-dwelling Delasi struggled at first, against the Cardassian invaders.

Until The Inventor developed a projected energy weapon.

The Cardassians had never waged war against such a bizarre species before, and with the assistance of a federation landing party, the Delasi and the Ek tribe successfully defeated the Cardassian invasion force.

Nearly 3/4 of the Ek tribe was killed, and half the Delasi.

Including Lee-ee-ek's mother.

She was technically appointed as leader of her tribe, however she did not, and to this day, does not particularly actively participate in this role. Instead, she found herself enamored by these strangers from the sky who had come to save her people.

A particular fan of old earth films nicknamed her "Maddison", and as that was much easier to pronounce than the correct way of pronouncing Lee-ee-ek, Maddison accepted it rather happily, as she joined the intrepid Starfleet Security.
Service Record 2378-2382: Starfleet Academy
Security Officer training

2382-2385: U.S.S. Vespa
Tactical Officer

2385-2388: U.S.S. Laredo
Security & Tactical Officer

2388-2390: U.S.S. Calypso
Security Officer

Current; Deep Space 3
Security Officer