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Saturday October 31st, 2020 @ 4:54pm


Name Verk

Position Bartender

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ferengi
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 1.6 meters
Weight 65 kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A Ferengi of around average height. Can often be seen wearing a white shirt, brown pants and a stained apron.

His eyes are at a normal depth and are only separated by the rather thick nose between them. His lobes around average for a Ferengi male of his stature.


Father Kark
Mother Zolva
Brother(s) Turgle

Personality & Traits

General Overview The Older of the Two Ferengi Brothers, Vark is the one who founded their Bar. Being the less Energetic of the two, he generally can be found behind the bar tending to customers. Leaving the generaly more excited things to his much more lively Brother.
Strengths & Weaknesses Although Older, Vark is the less...charismatic of the two, often blunt and less of that typical ferenfi charm. Though while that may seem strange to others of his Kind, he does have other skills. Such as Knowledge of other species behaviors, programming Holosuits and even some cooking other then "Bugs on Stick"
Ambitions Expanding his Business, getting that sweet Platinum.
Hobbies & Interests Bartending, Gambling, Programming Holoprogramms.

Personal History Like most other Ferengi, Vark was born on Ferenginar to his parents who owned a local supply store that supplied smaller stores like Bars, Tabbaco stores and other things. This is where Vark found out about how much he liked running a Bar when he had to jump shifts at his Uncles Bar.

After finaly having enough money to expand and leave Ferenginar, Vark set his sights on where to start his own business. Which he eventually decided todp so on Deep Space 3. Though unbeknownst to him, someone is following him there, and just take a guess who, that's right, his younger Brother.

Now stuck with Turgle, Vark has to look out for his younger Brother-and bring this Bar to fame as the best Bar in this entire Sector !