Lieutenant Commander Olivia Lorrietta
Name Olivia Lorrietta
Position Executive Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 36 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'5 | |
Weight | 145 lbs | |
Hair Color | Blonde | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Liv doesn't particularly come across as imposing. Her hair is rarely regulation, and she tends to have a vacant expression while contemplating things. She does not look like she is capable of fighting, and the reality is not far from the truth. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Ambassador Johnathon Lorrietta(Retired) | |
Mother | Leanette Lorrietta | |
Sister(s) | 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrietta(Deceased, Starfleet Intelligence) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Olivia is something of a sociological chameleon, thus making it quite difficult for people to get a bead on who she actually is behind her varying masks. While she has basic morals that she doesn't consider violable, she can quickly adapt to most communities, and societies. Watching her talk with a group of Klingons and a group of Vulcans may as well be watching two different people. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | While Olivia is very adaptive to her surroundings, this results in a lack of actual close connections with anyone, and occasionally this leaves her in a depressed state. She also spends most of her time with books, PADDs, and language databases, and her physical fitness routines routinely suffer, though her firearms proficiencies are rarely called into question. |
Hobbies & Interests | People, in a word. Olivia spends vast quantities of time studying people, and making herself comfortable around them, and them comfortable around her. Otherwise, her hobbies are very nebulous, and largely dependent on whatever culture she's currently studying. |
Personal History | Olivia's quirky history started with a small family who moved around a lot in the 2360's, as her father was an ambassador for the Federation. This resulted in a large and diverse culture exposure at a very young age, and Olivia, unlike her sister, quite simply got entirely addicted to it. Where her sister took the Dominion war to enlist in the Starfleet M.A.C.O. Artificers corps, Olivia believed the Dominion War was temporary. She enlisted as a sociology major in the Science departments, and as it was resolved by the time she graduated, she ended up being correct. Instead of accepting scientific postings, she took to her father's vocation of diplomacy in a groundbreaking way that resulted in seven separate species joining the Federation. |
Service Record | 2374-2378 Starfleet Academy Xeno-Sociology / Science Cadet 2378-2379 U.S.S. Laredo Science Officer / Diplomatic Officer Ensign 2379-2382 U.S.S. Laredo Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer* Lieutenant Junior Grade *Position was unofficially assigned by the Commanding Officer of the Laredo after the successful negotiation for not only the return of captured Starfleet Officers on Elva VI, but also their eventual incorporation into the United Federation of Planets. 2382-2383 U.S.S. Laredo Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer* Acting Lieutenant* *Following the unexpected success of Elva VI, Starfleet began assigning the Laredo to more difficult diplomatic situations. During the following mission, however, the Chief Diplomatic Officer was assassinated by members of the Romulan Star Empire. This event is classified. 2383-2386 U.S.S. Blackwell Chief Diplomatic Officer Lieutenant (Olivia did not like this posting as the Blackwell was a medical vessel.) 2386-2390 U.S.S. Nimue Chief Diplomatic Officer, Acting Second Officer* Lieutenant, Acting Lieutenant Commander* *The Nimue ended up with crew stranded down planet on Veran III, the saucer section in combat with an Orion vessel, and the engine section in combat with a Romulan vessel. During this incident, Olivia was assigned interim command of the saucer section, and is largely credited with the success of the combat, overall. 2390-2393 U.S.S. Nimue Acting Executive Officer*, Executive Officer Acting Lieutenant Commander* *The Nimue was assigned to investigate the origin of the Orion vessel that attacked Veran III, and throughout their investigations, the Executive Officer was killed in action, forcing her to take up the job. To the surprise of herself, her commanding officer, and Starfleet Command, she was unexpectedly well suited for the job, and formally assigned it after just 3 months. 2393- D.S. 3 Executive Officer Commander* *Through sheer dumb luck, and a great many letters of commendation on her behalf, she was formally promoted through to full Commander upon being assigned a new post. Starfleet opted to send her to an area of space expecting diplomatic conferences and issues in the future, and she accepted it only upon realizing how far flung it was from most Federation Space. |