Lieutenant Commander Alvar Othran
Name Alvar Othran
Position Executive Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Altimaran | |
Age | 26 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'3" | |
Weight | 200 lbs. | |
Hair Color | light golden (head)/orangish (body) | |
Eye Color | golden | |
Physical Description | Alvar is an Altimaran, a felinoid species, and looks like a roughly two meter tall cross between a lion and a humanoid. He is covered in short orangish fur across most of his body, with a mane on his head, feline looking ears, and a thin tail roughly 1/2 meter in length. |
Spouse | none | |
Children | none | |
Father | Tomes | |
Mother | Merell | |
Brother(s) | Toroque, Darthel | |
Sister(s) | Erell | |
Other Family | various extended family members |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Alvar, while appearing threatening, is actually quite friendly and is fond of humor. But, however, it is not a good idea to make him irritated. He thrives on variety and novelty, and enjoys the challenge of solving problems. He tends to be tolerant of a wide range of behavior, until his ruling logical principles are attacked; at that point, he can express firm and clear judgement. He listens and seems to be agreeing only because he is not disagreeing. Later, others may learn that he was analyzing and making internal judgements. He is still a little rattled by the incident at the Class L planet in which the shuttle he was on was chased by Orions. He hasn't ever seen a counselor for it, though, and isn't really sure he wants to (as it would force him to admit to others that he knows fear). |
Strengths & Weaknesses | +Determined +Good work ethic +Loyal -Tends to get distracted, especially when getting into something interesting -Sometimes not as confident in his abilities as he should be |
Ambitions | Alvar sometimes dreams of getting at least one scientific paper published in each of the major scientific journals. He occasionally fantasizes about a command of his own some day, but honestly doesn't really see himself as a CO. He would much rather serve in science than command a ship or base. |
Hobbies & Interests | Holodeck adventures, sports, reading, martial arts |
Personal History | Alvar is the youngest of four children, born to a doctor and an author on Altimar, the third planet in the Tialmo system, which is located in the Beta Quadrent. Growing up, he found that there were many fascinating and beautiful things in nature. He often could be found out in a heavily forested region near his home, exploring some crevice or sitting in a tree, gazing at the wonders about him or gazing up at the stars. By the time he was 7, he knew he wanted to join Starfleet as a science officer. This came as little surprise to those who knew him; some felt that he already had his head in the clouds. He spent the next 5 years reading up on various science subjects. During the times that he wasn't in school, he could often either be found with his nose in a padd or outside closely examining something or other of a scientific nature that had caught his interest. As Altimarans are considered adults in Altimaran society at 12 years of age, Alvar applied for Starfleet Academy. He managed to just barely pass the entrance exam, probably due to the fact that he'd spent more time on science in his spare time than most of the other areas in which the entrance exam covered. Finding himself at the Academy, where things were a lot more rigorous than he was used to, he suddenly realized that he had to turn at least some of his attention away from science and into the other required courses. He quickly scrambled to try to organize his schedule into something resembling a reasonable class, study, and recreational schedule. He was very grateful (not to mention relieved) when a Vulcan classmate, T'Cai, came to his rescue, and showed him how to organize his schedule in a logical manner. A nervous young Betazoid cadet, Hazan Eclain, became his roommate. Even though Hazan was a member of the Sixth House of Betazed, he hadn't had much contact with non-Betazoids, and found the large amount of non-Betazoids at the Academy to be a little intimidating; he wasn't sure how they would react to someone who could sense their emotions. The two roommates, however, soon became fast friends, and learned how to be able to use their own advantages to help the other; Alvar helped Hazan overcome his own shyness and awkwardness around others, and Hazan helped Alvar keep on task when studying, as he was able to sense when Alvar was getting distracted. Alvar decided to try to take as many science classes as possible, and found that his years studying science before entering the Academy helped out, as he already had a basic familiarity with many things being taught; he emphasized in exobiology. He minored in conn, feeling that being able to pilot shuttles would help increase his chances of getting good assignments after graduation. He wasn't sure if it actually would or not, but decided to make a go of it anyway. During his Academy years, he wasn't one who overly tried to seek out attention; however, he was rather noticeable, as he was one of only seven Altimaran cadets. He had a rather uneventful time there, with the exception of the time it was learned that he was part of a small group of cadets who played a practical joke on one of the Vulcan science instructors by stimulating the plants in his office to grow much faster than normal, and filling the office with shoots, vines, branches, etc. For a project his senior year, he was posted on the Ambassador class U.S.S. Valdemar. His service didn't go unnoticed by the science chief, who managed to talk the Valdemar's captain into getting Alvar assigned to the ship upon graduation to help out in exobiology, Alvar's strong point in science. Ironically, Alvar's decision to minor in conn wound up getting him a commendation for bravery. The Valdemar was assigned to conduct a survey of a Class L planet. The science chief decided to take a team down via a shuttle, as the planet had somewhat heavy ionization in its atmosphere. He gave Alvar a chance to pilot the shuttle down to the planet surface. During the trip down it was discovered (the hard way, naturally) that the Orion Syndicate had been maintaining an outpost there; the base sent 3 attack fighters after the shuttle. Due to the unexpected discovery, and the atmospheric conditions, Alvar barely got the shuttle out in one piece to a point where the Valdemar was able to deal with the attack shuttles. Alvar, though, will never admit that he was absolutely terrified, and froze for a moment before almost blindly punching at the helm controls. He sees his "heroic" actions as nothing more than a fluke - a good one, true, but a fluke none the less. During that time, the chief science officer pushed Alvar to continuously improve and grow as an officer. As a result, Alvar continued to take on more leadership positions within the science department, and even passed the bridge officer's test, which netted him a promotion to lieutenant junior grade, three years after graduating from the Academy. A few months afterwards the Valdemar was damaged in combat with three smuggler ships, and Alvar was reassigned to the U.S.S. Ulysses, a Nebula-class starship, as assistant chief science officer. He served there for another three years before being contacted in 2390 by one Captain Chad Hanson, who had just been given command of a Galaxy-class starship, and was looking for a science chief. Thus Alvar found himself assigned to the U.S.S. Dakota as science chief, with a promotion to lieutenant senior grade. He would serve on the Dakota for almost 4 years, receiving a promotion to lieutenant commander 3 years in, before being tapped to become the executive officer on the U.S.S. Crazy Horse. He served there for several months until being suddenly reassigned to head a team overseeing assistance to the Federation world of Tarsus III to help deal with an environmental crisis similar to a situation he'd helped deal with while on the Dakota. After that issue was successfully resolved, he was reassigned as executive officer on Deep Space 3. |
Service Record | 2384-2387: science officer, U.S.S. Valdemar (ensign, lieutenant j.g.) 2387-2390: assistant chief science officer, U.S.S. Ulysses (lieutenant j.g.) 2390-2394: Chief Science officer, U.S.S. Dakota (lieutenant, lieutenant commander) 2394: XO, U.S.S. Crazy Horse (lieutenant commander) 2394: Team lead, Tarsus III (lieutenant commander) 2394: XO, Deep Space 3 |