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Manual Labour

Posted on Tuesday November 30th, 2021 @ 7:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Curzon Bennett & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Lieutenant JG Talerian Maxx

Mission: Jeepers Creepers 2: Creepers In Flight
Location: Deep Space Three Quarantined Docking Bay
Timeline: Current


Ithahr watched in fascination as the Away Team materialized with the contents of their Away Mission. As he stepped from the viewport and made his way down he made a beeline towards the small gaggle of personnel overseeing the transfer of the bodies. The Andorian approached Edgeware and Maxx. 'Doctors, these are the bodies you found then?'

Maxx nodded at Ithahr to his response, "Yes sir. I do recommend they be in quarantine till we can verify everything about them. I have a bad feeling about this situation, but I lack evidence to support why. Sadly I still have a lot of data to crunch for the report." replied Maxx. He really needed a cup of coffee right now but that would have to wait till he could settle down.

"There is something strange about these bodies, I mean the skin is grey, they don't look Cardassian to me." Jo said "Has anyone been able to identify their actual species"? Jo continued.

Steven shook his head. Yes. Now the bodies were in better light something about them. Seemed to send a shiver down Edgeware‘s spine.

“ Perhaps now we have them here. We’ll be able to find that out. Their skins is grey….but their are plenty of people who have grey skin. Besides they don’t have t.he Cardassian ridges. But there is something under their skin….could be natural or perhaps lack of nutrients is cause inner skeleton to show.” Steven said.

"Have you run a medical tricorder over them?" Jo asked.

Steven nodded.

“ Inconclusive. Maybe once we have hooked up these units to our power supply. Well be able to get better readings from the units. Which we need to do and soon as these three will start to thaw very soon.” Steven warned.

Ithahr nodded in both officers' directions, 'let's get to it then, gentlemen - onwards to Sickbay.' He looked towards Creed, 'are your people ready to move the bodies and their equipment?'

"I brought an anti-grav sled to help move the bodies, we are ready when you are, Commander." Jo said.

Steven looked at the fourth Cryo Chamber which had been damaged and failed. Killing the female inside. Although much paler than the others she did not show a skeletal transformation. Despite the failure taking place quite a while ago.

“Can we also take the fourth chamber as well please? I would like to investigate why she still looks fresh.” Steven asked.

"It's still connected to power Commander, could be an executive capsule. She might be someone important". Jo advised.

Something was bugging Steven about that. When they had first discovered the chambers hadn't the fourths power system been damaged? That had been why it had failed. So if its main power had been destroyed what was this power source for?

" You could be correct. Maybe this was the backup when the chambers main power system was busted? But for some reason it was not powerful enough to keep her alive....." Steven said but stopped when he noticed his medical tricorder. For a couple of seconds it picked something up. But whatever it had been vanished.

" Sorry looks like my Medical tricorder is on the blink. We better get our skates on." Edgeware said.

Ithahr looked at the assembled crewmembers, 'the good Doctor is right - please lead the way, Doctor Edgeware.'

Steven gave a nod. He had worked out the quickest and less populated route through Deep Space Three.

Jo tried to get behind the fourth chamber to disconnect the power, she was the smallest and had the most room to operate in. Even for her it was a stretch. She managed to get a spanner in there and do her thing, but she was sweating with the effort.

"Okay gentlemen if I can get some help moving it out it would be appreciated. I think its decoupled now." Jo said.

“Yes of course.” Edgeware said coming to Jo’s side.

Ithahr took up the other side to Grant and nodded, 'we stand ready to assist you, Ensign Grant - please give us some instruction.'

"Since they are still in their containers. We just have to detach them and put them on the antigrav skids. Normally I'd use transporters but I haven't found the source of the dampening field yet. Must be much further inside the ship. We can only take one out at a time though. It will be a bit bulky but I'm sure we can get them through the opening. one person on each side then one in the back to steer." Once there out of the dampening field we can beam them to sickbay or a containment area of your choice Sir. I would recommend containment because we don't know exactly why they died or indeed who they even are. the ones that are still alive will have to be revived, which should also be done in containment to prevent any biological virus or bacteria that we are unfamiliar with." Jo said.

Steven nodded in agreement.

“ As it happens a containment area is being set up as we speak in fact.....” A bleep interrupted him. He looked down and spoke again.” That was the signal. The containment area is ready. So we can beam them to it once we are out of the dampening field.” He said

"Let's move the bodies," said Ithahr bluntly as he heard the beep. He nodded to the officers around him - "just to the edge of the dampening field and then beam them out."

The Executive Officer stepped back out of the freighter and onto the deck of the docking bay. He watched, antennae moving about serenely, as the Operations crew went about their business, expertly coordinated by Ensign Grant, the Deputy Chief. She'll make a good department head one day he thought to himself as the first pod was brought to the edge of the dampening field. As it was lowered to the deck, Ithahr saw one tech nod to the other, and the first pod was beamed away.

And so it went, until the fourth pod was beamed away, and the team was safely off the ship.

The Andorian nodded his satisfaction with the situation. "Congratulations on a job well done." He turned to Edgeware. "I guess it's time for us to head to Sickbay."


Captain Tobias Bishop III
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Three

Lieutenant Commander Ithahr th'Shrannok
Executive Officer
Deep Space Three

Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space Three

Lieutenant JG Talerian Maxx
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Three

Ensign JoAnne Grant
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space Three


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