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Toast to the USS Oberon - Part II

Posted on Wednesday May 11th, 2022 @ 3:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Curzon Bennett

Location: Ambassador Destrek's Office
Timeline: MD04 1900


Miller leaned back in her chair and sipped on her second glass of Scotch. Usually, she enjoyed the drink without ice and without being it being diluted, but this glass and the previous ones were packed with ice. She was still officially on duty after all. She was impressed that Destrek had managed to acquire one of the finest malts around. Her Scottish ancestors would be proud.

'It's not something I advertise,' Bennett replied with a smile. He accepted the glass of sun juice, 'thank you kindly.' He took a sip. It was quite delicious.

Trensu stood to his feet. rased his glass. "May Fair Winds and smooth water carry us. To the CO and XO, My wisdom falls on you. So to guide us through our travels, salute," Trensu raising, his glass high.

'To safe travels!' Bennett responded as he raised his glass. He turned to Miller. 'I believe it's your toast, Commander?'

Both Trensu and Destrek both look to the XO for her toast.

Jennifer got to her feet relatively hesitantly. She’d never been one for pomp and ceremony, but she knew that this was indeed the time and the place for it. “May the Oberon take care of us all, see that we arrive home safely after each excursion, and those that serve on her are blessed with luck and love.” She raised her glass above her head. “To the crew of the Oberon! Cheers!” She took a large gulp of the remainder of the whiskey in her glass and slammed the container back onto the table enthusiastically.

'To the crew of the Oberon!' Bennett echoed enthusiastically as he grinned from ear to ear. He turned to Destrek and Trensu, 'so how long have you two had this tradition?'

The two men look at each other then back at Bennett. Trensu spoke first. "I think going on three years now." Destrek smiled.

"That sounds about right," said Destrek pouring more drinks. "We started this tradition just after Trensu saved my life. So we started to toast to a new assignment, mission, or ship. In this case, it was exceptional, New ship, Captain, assignment, and mission. It is the first time in my time in Starfleet this has happened to me," replied Destrek.

Looking at the other officers Trensu said, "Destrek, saving your life?" Sounding almost sarcastic. "All I did was carry you for a little bit and got you to medical."

"Don't believe him you two. The disrupter fire and phaser fire was so thick that you could walk on it. This crazy, back then, cadet. I was hit and could not walk. So Trensu ran across the disrupter fire pick me up then ran back. It was the damnedest thing I have seen. But we both were injured pretty bad," Destrek described.

Taking a sip of the drink Trensu chuckled. "That was a good two weeks in sickbay and the nurses were not bad-looking either," said Trensu.

The newly-minted Commanding Officer raised his glass of fruit juice once more, 'well. That is something worth toasting.' Bennett raised his glass, 'To the both of you. May your good luck and friendship endure, and bring blessings to the Oberon for as long as you serve on her.'

Trensu and Destrek both raised their glasses with newly-minted Captain and said “hear! hear!” they said in unison then both took a drink.

After Destrek took his drink he raised his glass again. "To new friends, may we all grow together," toasted Destrek.

'New friends,' Bennett cried with enthusiasm, enjoying himself. 'Well, this is exactly what we needed, don't you think?' He looked about the assembled company. 'I may just have to appoint a new morale officer at this rate.' He took a piece of fruit and sampled it, 'building bonds amongst ourselves will be important for the days ahead - they won't be as easy as it has been so far.'

Giving a nod Destrek smiled. "I will serve this ship in any capacity needed. I can moonlight as a morale officer if that is what is needed," said Destrek taking a drink.

Chuckling Trensu said "Destrek, you have been called worse. But I do second that Captain, morale officer would keep him out of trouble on the ship."

Bennett looked at his Executive Officer and Chief of Security slyly before looking to the Ambassador directly. 'I think that would be a splendid idea if it keeps you out of trouble. There may be long spells before we encounter any other powers on our journey.' Bennett grinned, 'besides, you throw a great party. It wouldn't be an official Starfleet commission, you understand - that would clash with your Ambassadorship.'

"Agreed" Destrek replied. "I look forward to this and working with this fantastic crew," said Destrek.

Taking a sip of his drink Trensu looked at Bennett and Miller "I know every Captain of a ship had a command philosophy and vision what is yours?" asked Trensu.

'My philosophy? Ask questions first, shoot later,' Bennett replied with a quick quip, before raising his hand, 'not in every circumstance of course. I, however, primarily see our mission as one of peace and goodwill. We'll be better able to get to the root cause of Deep Space Three in this way, I believe.'

"Really" replied Destrek. "I see well I guess I have my work cut out for me then," he said with a smile.

Trensu took a drink "I knew there was something I liked about you, Captain. So can I fire phasers and torpedos before I ask them to surrender?" Trensu asked with a sly smile.

Bennett grinned in return, 'Perhaps when I'm not on the Bridge that may be the answer.' He looked around the room, and smiled, 'this has been quite the jolly gathering, both of you.'

"I thank you Captian, I am glad to see we all can relax and talk. I think this crew and ship will be a great team and maybe become legendary. I have seen the best in this ship and crew so far," replied Destrek.

'Thank you, Ambassador. Coming from your wise self that means a lot,' Bennett smiled in return and took a sip of his drink. 'Let us hope the name of the Oberon is known far and wide for the right reasons in the years to come.'

Trensu lifted his glass in the air "I will drink to that." he cheered.

Destrek chuckled. "Flattery will get you everywhere Captain" replied the Ambassador.

"Be careful Captain if his ego gets too big he won't be able to fit through the doors" joked Trensu.

'That would male quite the site at diplomatic functions,' Bennett replied drily and with a smile. 'So, what are you both hoping to achieve during your time here?'

Filling his glass Trensu Smiled and replied, "the chair, that's a nice place to strive for," then took a drink. He knew he was talking about the Captain's chair. Was not sure if the Captain would get it.

Taking a drink then Destrek gave a light laugh, "that was bold Lieutenant. For me, to widen my horizons there is still a lot to learn out there so many people so little time."

Bennett nodded and smiled, 'I hope you both find what you're striving for.'

"As to you Captain may all your missions be like smooth sailing." toasted Trensu.

"to Smooth sailing," Repeated Destrek.

the night went on as the men finished their drinks made their final toast and called it a night.


Lieutenant-Commander Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Oberon

Lieutenant Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief of Security & Tactical
USS Oberon

Eiban Destrek (NPC)
Federation Ambassador
USS Oberon


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