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Shore Leave

Posted on Wednesday November 2nd, 2022 @ 9:51pm by
Edited on on Wednesday November 2nd, 2022 @ 10:59pm

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Earth
Timeline: Current


Fhiza Shevnu was just unloaded from the UFP Algonquin, after a 6 month dull military cruise around several outer boundary planets. Thankfully her ship was docked over her home town of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The shuttle landed at UPF/CFB Stadicona in the middle of the city. There was the usual debriefing and turning in equipment at ancient Naval base from years ago. Even the old stone wall and large entry gates dated well back before the 1870's-left as a historical reference to the base once being owned by England, back in it's Colonial days. The contrast between the old "historic" buildings and new constructs were jarring. In fact, her debriefing and Repo-depot was located in a large warehouse that had that antique military "stores" smell to it.

There wasn't anyone else from her command ship even coming down here to Halifax...but, there were still lots of Star Fleet personnel and left-over Earth bound Military types busily moving about, doing their regular 'chores'/jobs. After an hour(ish) or so of mundane Military scuttlebutt (and a couple of cat calls that made her smile) she stood out side the base on the main street looking North in the direction she would travel.

She decided that she ought to give her mother a call on her communicator to tell her she was 'in town', rather than just show up unexpectedly (She hadn’t let anyone know she was arriving home-she didn’t like family/friend reunions that were common with returning troops. A few beeps later her mother answered, "Hello mom. I'm back in town. I'm heading up to the house". She listened to her mother ..."No, no...that's ok. I'm going to walk. It's been awhile since I've been home and I want to stroll through the neighbourhood, and over Fort Needham (it's not a fort anymore. It was in the 1700's, but now is just a park on a moderate hill). “Yes, I'll see you long as it takes me to walk there. Yes, it's good to be home. I love you too."

The walk was pleasant. Down the long street that ran right to the North end of the city. Small business and random homes, along with a Church lined the street. Arriving at Fort Needham, she started the not-too-long walk up the hill. Crossing the park, she saw some children playing on climbing bars and swings. At the North end of the hill, she paused at the memorial to the Halifax Explosion. She thought to herself: "Such a long, long time ago. What, 400+ years?"

She looked over the sloping descent at the sprawling antique homes before her. She was glad that the city has a policy of
preserving ‘Heritage buildings’. Not that she disliked modern architecture, but it was nice to look at old buildings, just like the home she grew up in. Home has to be 300+ years old too. Hard to believe that a house built of mere wood could stand that long. But, with modern could last nearly, well...forever.

Cutting through a well known short cut, she walked along the side streets until she could see her family home only a hundred yards away. Her mother was standing on the front stairs impatiently waiting for her, and looking in the wrong direction, expecting her to come down the main street. Fhiza yelled "Hey Mom!" Then waved Seconds later, the two embraced, her mother asking her many questions about her travels. Most importantly: "How long will you be staying? You'll never believe who just called! Your friend Gina! "


"Yes, she's super excited to see you!"

Fhiza felt excited to see her old pal. She always had fun with Gina, even if she's a bit of a bar-hopper and boy-crazy. But, hey, Fhiza wasn’t opposed to either. She could probably use a bit of both herself right now. She felt excited about what the next couple of days would bring.

Her mother complimented her profusely on her uniform and she was glad that she had plenty of civil clothes here at home. They entered the rustic home, full of memories...and food. She looked forward to seeing her old friend and after a few minutes of chatter, she called her. within a minute she already had a couple of invitations/plans to go to parties and bars (as usual)...


Fhiza Shevnu Cadet
Intelligence Officer


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