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The Arrangement

Posted on Friday January 6th, 2023 @ 12:04am by Lieutenant Commander Alaina Trywhitt-Duffy

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Sickbay USS Oberon.
Timeline: Current


Alaina sat in her office listening to Klingon Opera which she hated. Listening to it made her acutely aware of what she was supposed to be doing so strong was the urge to shut the cacophony out. She looked around to make sure Karadis was not around and smiled at the thought of the Klingon woman whom she was sure she wanted a relationship with . The current PaDD on her desk was covered by actual paper records which had just been delivered from Trill, containing information on the ceremony for the removal of a symbiont and the implantation of another.

Following the work up and information she had on Niali and the Korial symbiont, plus attestation from Admiral Issa Vidor Niali’s maternal Aunt as to the conditions in which Korial was implanted had led her to hope, that, if a suitable new symbiont could be found then Niali would be in first position to receive it. Vidor was, at this moment on Trill negotiating for a new host for the Korial symbiont. Alaina had argued that the symbiont that currently inhabited Niali should not be re implanted due to his dangerous nature.

Far a few minutes Alaina’s train of thought was interrupted by Ensign Buller from engineering who had broken his leg skiing down the Matterhorn. It did not take her long to administer analgesia and knit the bone. She sent him off with a warning to keep off the leg for several days and return to sickbay in two. He hung around for a couple of minutes and then, when his wife appeared was taken home with the sounds of a telling off ringing in his ears.

Alaina smiled. She had tried to speak to Niali but messages were not going through due to a strange storm that was hanging around the planet. She picked her PaDD up again and then jumped when her comm chirruped causing her coffee to overspill onto the papers. She swore in Pacifican, grabbed the papers and and tapped. =/\= Doctor you have a communication from Trill it is encrypted. “Very well please send it through to Sickbay.” ~here we go~ she thought as Admiral Vidor’s face appeared smiling.

Doctor I have good news, it looks like there will be new symbiont for Niali, It was not hard to persuade the Commission due to the way Niali was implanted against her knowledge. I just offered to go public regarding the circumstances. However they do not know about Korial yet. They are insisting on actually seeing him. How soon can you get my niece to Trill?”

“Ah” Alaina sighed. “Therein lies a problem. Niali went off the ship with Captain Trensu and a small group for some shore leave and we have been unable to contact them. Seeing as I have the Bridge I might send someone to find them and, at least bring Niali back.” Vidor looked uncomfortable.

“Well we need to hurry, this symbiont’s name is Deval and his host is dying from Schmoergrens syndrome.”

Alaina winced at the name. “Is the symbiont infected Issa?” She asked.

Vidor shook her head, “not yet, Deval is being treated but the syndrome……well it has some pretty terrible side effects. Deval is currently sedated but they will not be able to keep him so for more than a couple of weeks. Of course the symbiont has been unable to heal him.

“I promise I will get her to Trill within that time frame, however I am worried about what is going on with her now. Issa, the Korial symbiont is very dangerous, he is taking over Niali’s mind more and more.” She hit the table with her fist which again rocked her coffee producing yet more wet paper. “DAMN” she said. “Sorry Issa I am just very worried. I will go up to the Bridge and see what is going on. Thank you.”

Vidor smiled, “no, thank you remember this is my niece we are talking about. Vidor out.”

The screen blanked then the information on the Deval symbiont came through. As she read it she smiled. His current host was an architect, the previous a doctor whose work on symbiosis was well know throughout the Federation. The last one a Captain from a Trill reconnaissance ship. ~perfect for Niali~ she thought. Downloading the information to her PaDD she picked it up, drained her coffee and headed for the Bridge.


Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alaina Trywhitt-Duffy.
Acting CMO
USS Oberon.


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