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Headaches and Troubles

Posted on Tuesday November 10th, 2020 @ 8:36pm by Captain Tobias Bishop III & Lieutenant Contessa McQueen

Mission: The Forgotten Outpost
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Tobias was having a really long morning. The stress was really beating him up and his head was starting to pound.

He decided to make his way to sickbay and see if Doctor McQueen could do anything to help.

As he entered sickbay, he saw Doctor McQueen in her office. He approached and rapped gently on the door frame. "You got a minute, Doc?"

Contessa rose from her desk, tapping send to her Executive Assistant to peruse and edit and send to the Star Fleet Medical Journal publishers.

"What may I assist you with Colonel?"

She ask politely as she walked to the door of her office.

"Hello Doctor. I am suffering from a rather severe stress headache, and was hoping you might be able to help me with it." Tobias answered, a pained look obvious on his face.

"We can give you a mild quad-anagelsic for your headache." She said as she scanned him. "As for the state of DS3, well I can listen."

"Both would be appreciated." he said, taking a seat on the nearest bio-bed. "It seems like everyone is so busy running in ten directions at once, that I cannot really get anything done on my end."

She administered a mild analgesic and filled a RX for a by mouth analgesic.

"That will ease the physical headache. Now. What can I help you with in the other department?" She asked as she poured two mugs of healing herb tea...

"The upcoming peace talks are a source of never ending stress. Both parties keep adding more and more items to their list of demands. It seems like they are monitoring each others lists and trying to make it as impossibly complicated as possible." Tobias answered, gladly accepting the offered mug of tea.

"Colonel, we know this Station has problems, we know that something or someone is sabotaging DS3. I know it is a big Station, left neglected for a while, and yet... these occurrences are more than just daily breakdown, that is how it appears to me." She sipped her tea and listened.

"I cannot imagine that the sabotage has anything to do with the peace conference. That would be a literally fatal spin on events that are already hurdling out of control." he said, fatigue clear in his voice.

"With security showing no signs of sabotage, then I am certain the Science, Engineering, tactical are scrambling to find out why these ghost glitches are happening.... but...would that mean a metallurgical parasite that arrived here via solar winds? Possibly....." She said as the wheels turned inward....

"I think it is more likely that they came aboard via an unwitting transport vessel. Mixed in among so cargo possibly."

"With newly discovered planetoids, and habitable systems, it is logical that this glitch problematic, has been brought in via shops, cargo....even the fighters, shuttles designed for RECON. One thing we do know, our decontamination procedures did not stop this entity."

"You're probably right. I will check the traffic patterns." Tobias answered. "Thank you Doctor." he added, standing up off the bio-bed.

"You may also need to send out an advisory for ships coming here that they will be inspected, and kept at Station keeping until DS3'S glitches are rectified... " She said as he moved to depart and she moved to check Sickbay systems...


Colonel Tobias Bishop
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Three


Lieutenant Contessa McQueen
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space Three


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