Specifications - USS Oberon


Luna Class Vessels are outfitted with Gas Scoops, Gas Separation and Refinement Centers, as well as Solids Refinement Centers. The scoops are used to skim the outer atmosphere of gas giants. Sections of Asteroids can be taken in through the cargo bays. Both resources are run through their respective refinement centers and processed into the Primary and Secondary stores, which in turn provide the materials for the replicators ship-wide.


Class Luna
Role Explorer
Duration 100 Years
Time Between Refits 10 Years
Time Between Resupply 5 Years


Length 455 metres
Width 205 metres
Height 80 metres
Decks 16


Officers 75
Enlisted Crew 250
Civilians 50
Emergency Capacity 500


Cruise Speed Warp 8.4
Maximum Speed Warp 9.5
Emergency Speed Warp 9.98 (for 8 hours)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields Auto-Modulating Shielding System
Metaphasic Shielding System
Regenerative Shielding System
Standard Shielding System
Weapon Systems PHASERS:
Type XII Array: 5

Rapid-Fire Torpedo Turret: 2
Photon Torpedoes: 100
Quantum Torpedoes: 60
Probe: 100
Tri-Cobalt Device: 2

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 2
Shuttles Aerowing Science Craft: 1
Type 10 Shuttlecraft: 1
Type 11 Shuttlecraft: 3
Type 15 Shuttlepod: 2
Waverider Shuttle: 1
Runabouts Delta Flyer Runabout: 1