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Commodore Jelly Pt II of II

Posted on Monday February 8th, 2021 @ 3:16pm by

Mission: The Forgotten Outpost
Location: Promenade deck
Timeline: Current


It didn't take long before Svetlana approached the crime scene. For now, there was a large area where the forcefield barricades had been erected and in the center of the force field barrier was a very dark spot on the deck, and as far as she could see within an irregular pool of blood, fecal matter, bones, and tissue. Talking to the first security officer a brand new Ensign, she showed him her badge, and credentials. After finding that she had the authority to resume the case, he opened the barrier to allow her in.

But with the appearance of a crowd of people all wanting to see what was going on, she pushed a button mounted on the barricade,and in seconds the once clear forcefield took ona milky white sheen, then it became matted and now dark gray on the outside, but on the inside, the lighting was very clear enough for her to observe many things. The spot where the commodore ended up, was still reeking with the smell of drying blood, fecal matter, juices from the internal organs, cerebral spinal fluid, and urine. Taking measurements, and obtaining a sample of the wet spots, Svetlana continued her job as she measured blood stains, the velocity, along with the speed of the body impacting the promenade deck. Which proved that Dr. Smiths own calculations were correct.

However there was one issue if the body fell from a height of 85 meters, was that the body did not land in a direct line to the deck, it had deviated some 10-30 feet; landing in the middle of the deck.

Meeting the two Petty Officers who were guarding the area, they were a bit hesitant to help, since seeing the words SCIS conjured up some mythical serious jail time, however with Svetlana now smiling and in a very soft voice, she easily coaxed them to help her. One of he officers who weighed the same as the dead Commodore stood at the very end, then taking a program she inserted the numbers, then let the program take over. Watching from the ground the other Petty Officer and Svetlana saw a simulated body falling straight down landing some 3-8 feet away from the base of the bulkhead.

Next the other Petty Officer went up on the catwalk, and this time was asked to simulate being forced off the catwalk under all types of conditions.. Once the Petty officer was on the ground, Svetlana and the two other Petty Officers watched as the program took the force of someone pushing against someone and as the simulated body fell it began to move off center landing approximately 10-30 feet away, which proved that the Commodore was pushed to his death, and that something interferred with his ability to fight.

Now Svetlana has something to tell Admiral Gibbs, this was now a worknig homicide and that SCIS would now be taking over the entire investigation. However with the investigation also coming from Starfleet Investigators, she would marry up their investigations and hers to come up with a subject/s. And as Svetlana was now on top of the catwalk, she had pulled up a program that would analyze the area for things that were not supposed to be there, and after 20 minutes of searching the PaDD detected a small transparent single dose vial of some liquid that came from a hypo-spray. Finding the vial that had apparently dropped to the catwalk, and rolled till it stopped behind a metal brace.

Running test on the very small amount of liquid inside the vial through her PaDD she th her PaDD now performing some basic clinical lab tests, The PaDD detected a new form of sleeping agent, one that had a
side effect of inducing post-hypnotic suggestions. And with a post-hypnotic suggestion it was easy to have a person do what they wanted the person to do, even commit suicide.

Suddenly it now became clear to Svetlana, but to prove her theory she now had to visit the residential care facllity for retired officers and their wives.

Returning back to her office, which was amost ready for occupancy, she pulled up on her large monitor everything on the Commodore, from bank records, to old and new medical records, every known financial and personal transactions. Even Svetlana pulled up the records of anyone assocaited with the Commodore, to include all Nursing, Technicians and the Physicians who treated the Commodore, and finally there it was a small notation that the Commodore had been overdrawn of some thousands of Federation Credits.

With her list of possible suspects, now swirling around in her mind many were just thrown out, but one struck a nerve. It was a down and out former Federation Civilian Nurse who had several misfortunes; he lost his job on the station as a Registered Nurse, and to save him, he was sent to the Residential Care unit on the station.

However a few weeks after being hired as a Registered Nurse, the Commodore found his bank accounts tapped and could not explain as to why his monthly retirement was suddenly withdraw, and now facing a series of unknown debits, the Commodore was now becoming depressed, about being thrown out of the Residential Care facility.

Leaving her office, Svetlana took a turbolift to the inter Station shuttle, Svetlana got in and sat down, and soon the shuttle was now going to another place on the Station, where the Residential Care facility was housed. Getting out of the shuttle, Svetlana walked into the main foyer of the residential facility and talked to the manager asking to see the records for the Commodore's health care team. Unfortunately the heavy set manager was not impressed by Svetlana, nor the jacket or the credentials she carried, to him all she was another security officer looking to make trouble.

So instead of trying to be nice, Svetlana just got in his face and said ..."I am going to give you one last time to allow me to see the files, and if you continue to persists in your behavior, I am going to contact an SCIS Black Team, "and they will come in at any time, have you arrested on phony charges, all for failing to help in an active criminal case, then they're going to take you blindfolded to one of a number of secret Black Site, somewhere in the Delta Quadrant, where you will be imprisoned for the rest of your miserable life.

Turning white with fear, the manager said in a soft voice "Bottom Left cabinet, you'll find the records of everyone who worked with each patient including the Commodore.

End Pt II of III


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