Creed is the Colour
Posted on Tuesday September 13th, 2022 @ 11:14am by Lieutenant Lisa Creed
Shore Leave
Location: Operations Office
After what had been a strange mission, Lisa Creed sat in the Ops office going through the requests for resupply from the other departments, She knew much of what was requested was from Engineering and science, so she knew that it must be needed and signed off on the requests and sent it to the Captain for confirmation. But that was about to change when Lt Smith burst into her office.
“Lieutenant Smith, what is the meaning of barging into my Office?” asked Lisa as she looked up from her terminal at the young officer who was out of breath, continued “Well, what is it?” as she glared back at the panting officer.
“Ma’am, both the Chief engineer and assistant chief have just quit the ship and Engineering is in disarray,” replied the young Lieutenant, continued, “they are now fighting as to who is now in charge,” as he knew that the Captain would not like this news one bit, as he looked back at the Operations Chief.
Lisa rose from her chair and looked at him and said, “ Lieutenant Smith, you're with me,” as she exited the room and entered the Operations centre “Lieutenant Williams, Please inform Ensign Grant that she is in charge till I get back,”
“Aye Ma’am,” replied the Lieutenant as he made the call to the Ensign watching Lisa and Lieutenant Smith leave the Operations Centre.
As they walked along the corridor, Lisa could hear shouting and arguing coming from Main Engineering, Lisa knew that things now had gotten out of hand and that she had to put a stop to it, even if it meant taking over Engineering. As she entered the Oberon’s Engine Room, she shouted,” SILENCE,” as everyone turned to face her. She continued,” You are acting like spoilt brats, not Starfleet officers,”
“Ma’am, the Chief has quit on us,” replied one of the Engineers.
“Does that give you the right to act like spoilt brats, no it does not,” replied Lisa looking around the room, and continuing,” You are Starfleet officers, now start acting like it” keeping her gaze on those in front of her, finished “As of now I am assuming command of Engineering, Lieutenant Smith is my Deputy chief,”
“But Ma’am,” replied one of the Engineers but before he could continue, Lisa held up a hand to stop him in his tracks. “I am a senior Member of the command staff of this vessel Lieutenant and as Operations chief I will assume a duel role,” Just then her combadge chirped, she said =/\= Creed here, Go ahead,=/\=
Lieutenant Lisa Creed