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The Lonely prt 3: The derelict.

Posted on Sunday March 26th, 2023 @ 12:01am by Lieutenant Commander Niali Deval Dr & Lieutenant Commander Alaina Trywhitt-Duffy & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Lieutenant Lisa Creed

Mission: The Lonely
Location: Shackleton Expanse

‘ An embrace can be warm in the cold of eternity.’

[ ON ]

-Ancient Derelict Colony ship-

The AI scanned the vessel. It was confusing, the children of the Oberon were not calling out to it. Why could it not hear them?

“-Scanners-show-these-beings-have-limited-sight-your-attempts-at-contact-contact-contact-not-made-error-code-kalo-bravo-ferick.” The ancient system said

~ Reset. No, they are afraid. I shall comfort them. They are cherished so.~


Steven swayed as he looked at the view screen. A wave of bad nausea spread over him. It knocked him flat to the ground. But then something strange happened as if someone had flicked a switch. It all vanished, the headaches and the feeling of severe fatigue fizzled away. Giving his head a shake he stood.

“ It’s all gone!” Said, Penny. She had also slid to the floor and was now standing up.

A message from the ancient derelict colony ship came through on the comm.

=/\= Children of the Oberon your travels are done.=/\= It said.

Ensign Grant fighting a wave of nausea tried to find the source of the transmission but it seemed to be coming from everywhere. She concluded that it must be some kind of mind game.

Niali stood, “The hell they are!” She exclaimed angrily. “Why have you brought us here, caused us to suffer the exquisite agonies they have gone through? We do not wish to be here and will fight you every step of the way.”

=/\= Oh please do not be angry. I did not mean to hurt you.I did not realize I was harming you. It’s been so long since my crew passed. Silence emptiness the cold void. The cold void…..alone so alone for many years. Please do not be angry my child. I just want someone to speak with if just for an hour. Please. Alone so alone in the cold void. So alone.=/\= It replied.

In spite of what they had all gone through Niali was conflicted. In a softer voice, she said, “I will remain with you if you let the others go?”

"Like hell, you will," replied Lisa looking back at the ships XO as she knew that she did not want to lose any more members of this crew, as the power started to come and go, she looked back at the derelict craft, " it is the way of life, we lose those close to us but we go on,"

“You are out of order Lieutenant Creed,” Niali snapped then smiled and said in a softer voice, “It would be a good exchange, all of you for me.”

Steven ran his fingers across his throat to signal a cut in communications.

“ Commander I feel that whatever brought us here will not be satisfied with just your life. It wants all of us. Our best bet is to go over there and face this thing. There could be a……Captain?” Steven said in alarm as he noticed the Captain had slumped in his seat.

He turned back to Commander Deval.

“ The Captain is out cold. But as I said we have to go over there as an away team ma’am.” Steven advised.

Niali checked the Captain out with a worried look as she sat him up so he could breathe easily. She looked out of the view screen over to the derelict. “Is there a breathable atmosphere?”

Penny looked over the readings.

“ Yes. It’s not too fresh but it’s breathable. I am also picking up….a life form…” McTaggard answered.

Steven looked at Niali and mouthed. ‘ A life form ‘

Niali screwed her face up. “Any indication of species?”

Penny ran her hands over the science console. She pressed panels and looked over readings then she looked up again.

“ I am not sure.” She replied

Steven walked over to the console and looked at the readings himself. He pressed a few panels and looked over the readings. He shook his head as what he was reading did not make any sense.

“ I have never seen readings like this. One minute close to a human next betazoid. The sensors can’t distinguish what it is…” Steven explained.

“Then this could be a shapeshifter?” Niali exclaimed, or something we haven’t thought of how about an AI?” She looked at them in silence. Captain Trensu was still unconscious so Niali called a medical team to the bridge.

Alaina entered the bridge with her medical team and immediately went to Trensu. After scanning him she turned to Niali, “he’s okay just unconscious, I’ll monitor him in sickbay just to be sure.” Niali nodded. “I’m about to put an away team together Doctor and I would like you to be part of that.”Alaina nodded. “I’ll get the Captain situated and be ready.” The team placed Trensu gently on the antigrav gurney and departed the bridge.

“Niali turned Lieutenant Edgeware, Lieutenant Creed please be ready in transporter three in twenty minutes for the away team.”

"Oh Boy, do I have a bad feeling about this," replied Lisa as she slipped from the Engineering console and began to make her way toward the turbolift she had the feeling in her gut that the derelict wanted them to stay and not leave it.

“ I agree with Lisa ma’am. It may be very prudent if I come too just in case.” Steven said

Niali looked around the bridge, she wished the Captain was there but Lieutenant Elliot would do nicely. “Lt Elliot you have the bridge”

Jason felt his heart race again, "Aye Commander."

She tapped her com. =/\= Cmdr Deval to security I need two of you for an away team mission to the derelict. Fully armed. Meet us in transporter room one in fifteen minutes Deval out =/\= she cut the communication and looked out of the viewscreen, oO we’re coming oO she threw the thought out and walked off the bridge.

Jason looked at the screen "Resume sensor sweep, keep an active lock on the away team in case the fit hits the shan."

-Ancient Derelict Colony ship-

=/\= we’re coming =/\= The AI felt the message come into its data sphere. It was about to answer when something glorious happened. As it reached out it sensed them! Two of its original creators were with the children of the Oberon.

~ Joy. Oh, my such deep joy. They are here they have come back. The originals live Ja and Jod his friends….no my friends. They must come. Yes yes, they must come….~ The AI thought. Then he sent a communique to the children of the Oberon.

=/\= You wonderful children. Thank you for bringing Ja and Jod back to us….me….please bring them home….please…=/\=

Steven scratched his head in thought. Who on Earth were Ja and Jod? The only people on the Oberon with names that sounded like that were Elliot and Grant.

“ It must mean Jason and Joanne,” Steven said.

"You mean that thing thinks I'm its Mommy?" Jo asked.

"Just when you think things can't get any weirder," Jason muttered.

“ Weird is what we do. However, this leaves us with a bit of a problem. If you and Jo go over there what will this AI do? If you don’t go over there what will this AI do? We must think of a way to block these telepathic attacks.” Steven said

"I'll go", Jo said volunteering.

"You only live once...I'm in." Jason said

Steven was just about to signal Jason to follow him. When he realized that it might not be a sensible idea to do what the AI wanted.

“ I am sorry Jason but it might be best for you to stay here. Until we know what this AI wants with you two. Jo should be the only one who goes with us. We need you here if things go pear-shaped over there. You’ll have to rescue us.” Steven replied.

-Transporter Room 3-

Niali watched as the away team assembled. Lieutenants Creed, Edgeware, Ensign Grant, and the two security officers stood there. “Check your weapons we don’t know what the conditions are like over there although currently there is an oxygen-rich atmosphere which might affect vision. Transporter Chief keep a lock on the away team and beam us back at the first sign of trouble.” She stepped on the pad holding her phaser. Everybody ready?” She asked.

Steven gave a nod. “ Yes, ma’am I had Ensign McTaggard do a scan of the area we are beaming into. It looks like some kind of large open area. The air is breathable just don’t take too many deep breaths. Also, I have asked the transporter chief to keep a lock on us. Who knows what this AI thing will do to Jo or us when it realizes Jason is not with us.”

Niali waited for the rest of the team to step onto the transporter pad. “Keep open comms people, Alaina keep me informed as to the Captain's condition and keep a medical lock on the team, Jason you have the ship don’t damage her,” she laughed.

"You don't have to worry about that," Jason said

"Otherwise Jason you will be helping fix the repairs," replied Lisa as she continued " My team and I just spent the last month doing an unscheduled refit" she remembered that she had only two weeks R &R.

“ Listen Jason what ever that thing does. Do not go follow us over there.” Steven warned

"I don't want to," Jason said

"Let's do this then," Jo said stepping into the transporter pad.

The team, ready, stood on the transporter. “Okay, stay sharp everyone, we have no idea what to expect.” She looked at the transporter Chief. “Energize!”

-The Derelict -

The team beamed into what seemed like a corridor, it was pitch dark and a misty trail of what looked like steam wafted across the floor. Niali turned her palm beacon and rapidly checked that all the team members were with her. “Steven try and find the bridge, Lieutenant Creed, try and get some power on in here. Lieutenant March goes with Lieutenant Creed. The rest of you explore, carefully and keep comms open understood?”

Lisa Replied "Aye Ma'am," as he looked at the young Lieutenant," Come on, Let's get to work," she knew that by getting the power back on, she also knew that the XO would calm down a bit.

Jo was already running tricorder scans, she was detecting a power source that was becoming stronger.

“ Yes ma’am. Can I take a security officer with me?” He asked Niali.

“Yes, take Ensign Boyas with you,” Niali said.

Dust. That was the first thing Steven noticed. Nothing living had been in here for possibly centuries. He also had a feeling they were being watched. He scanned the steam that seemed to be hovering above the ground. It scanned as just water possibly a side effect from what was generating the air.

Silence. No machine hums. No creaking. Just a faint sound almost like a heartbeat. Slow. Faint. Just audible on the very edge of his hearing range. The corridor ended in a large set of doors as he approached the doors slowly opened.

“ Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly. “ He said aloud.

~ Dearest children of the Oberon please come in do not be afraid.~ A voice in Stevens's head said.

Steven peeked into the room. It was big and circular in shape with a large black square in the center. There were panels around the sides now covered in dust. Odd-shaped chairs were dotted around them the crew must have been differently shaped to humanoids. The only thing in the room that seemed to be working was the large square in the center of the room. The heartbeat seemed louder here and with each beat, green squares appeared on the large black square.

~ Come don’t be afraid.~ The voice in his head said. A chair moved towards him. ~Come sit attend me~

“ Who are you? “ Steven said staying just outside the room.

~ Haven’t Ja and Jod told you? I am, forgive me for it has been so long my child. I was once once once. Wait a moment what is this child….~ The squares were turning color to an angry red.

A force pushed Steven away and the doors slammed shut.

=/\= Lieutenant Edgeware to rest of away team. Watch yourselves it knows Jason is not with us. Commander Niali I have found the bridge and the AI. But it’s gone into a sulk and locked us out.=/\=

~ Ja oh sweet Ja come to me, come to me ~ The AI called out.

Jo went to the sound of the voice following it as instructed.

Niali turned and bumped into her father. She took a double turn and put her arm out expecting him to vanish like the mist around their feet but, the figure was solid. “How are you doing NiNi?” He said. She shook her head. “You can’t be here!” She exclaimed. It was her father in every way, even down to the smell of the sweet cigars he had refused to give up. “NiNi? Where is Jason?”

Niali shone her palm beacon into his face. “You are not my father and the Lieutenant stays on board the Oberon.” Niali’s father disappeared and she carried on through the mist wishing someone would get the lights on. Suddenly it sounded like a group of Klingons was on their way to intercept her. The tread, and treat of their boots indicated a sizable force as she pressed herself back into the wall. Then, as swiftly as they had appeared they were gone. Niali breathed a sigh of relief. =/\= It looks like we are still able to have hallucinations, be careful everybody. I am moving on Deval out =/\=

The darkness was so absolute it was like thick ink and seemed impenetrable as she moved on. Metal creaked and moved around her almost as if it were alive. After a while, the corridor widened out into what looked like a rest area. Deep couches that once must have been comfortable now sagged, and could have taken over the fabric. The smell was intense, and then Niali recognized another scent, the scent of death.

Steven knew it was pointless trying to get back into the Bridge so he moved off to find the XO and the others. Suddenly a sharp pain hit the center of his head. It hurt so much Steven sank to his knees hitting his temples with his hands. Then as quickly as it came the pain vanished. Shaking he stood and slowly Edgeware moved off. But he had a very strange feeling like something was inside his head. He felt like although he was here on the Derelict. He was somewhere else at the same time. But it was hidden from him.


Jason was looking at a sensor overlay image when he realized the voice was back ~"Come to us"~

He looked away, then "Ensign Middleton to the bridge."

Moments later Gen arrived on the bridge and walked over to Jason "Can I help you sir?" not knowing how to address Jason on the bridge.

"Ensign can you come with me to the back science station," he said making a motion to the unoccupied back station when they were out of earshot of the bridge crew "Gen there's a phaser in the compartment there, If I try to leave the bridge without you I want you to stun me."

Gen just nodded, she knew the effects of whatever had happened were still strong with Jason, and she could see him struggling, "I'll get on that sir." she said loud enough to make the crew think he'd given her some mysterious orders.

Penny returned to her station. She had seen Jason talking with Gen and wondered what it was about. She looked over the console and tilted her head in surprise.

“ Scanners are picking up an odd wave pattern coming from that beastie out there.” She reported.

“ That’s ok my child I have it.” Said Edgeware as he moved passed her.

Penny shook her head she had not seen the second officer come onto the bridge.

“ Jason my child. You are needed over on the Seeding ship. Please be swift my child.” Said Edgeware

--- Sickby--

Trensu's eyes flickered as he opened them. The light came he started to focus slowly. He could hear others talking around him crewmembers were waking up the staff was running around the sick bay. Trensu's head started to clear. Trensu waited for a moment realizing he was in the sick bay not on the bridge. again the sickbay he must be the most unlucky Captain in Star Feelt. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly and waited for his moment. He rolled to one side and slowly got up not to call attention to himself.

with a few moves, Trensu was out the door, of course, it help that the crew got out of the way He know that the medical staff will be angry with him for just living. He would deal with them later.

It was only minutes be for Captain Trensu walked onto the bridge "Report!" He said looking at the View screen and going to his chair. He eyed the ship for a moment. Open a channel not waiting for an answer from the bridge officers.

=/\= My child, there is no need. I can hear you clearly. =/\= The voice seemed old worn synthetic.

Trensu was silent thinking. =/\= I am Captain Trensu and I would appreciate it if you address me that way =/\=

“YOU ARE NO ONE” a voice boomed across the ship. “Send me the chosen one.”

There was a voice from where the turbo lift was. A man in uniform was standing there someone He had not seen in 100 years. An El-Aurian commander his commander from when his race was fighting the borg.

Trensu was quiet staring at the Man. "tell me everyone can see the El-Aurian Commander by the turbo-lift." asked Trensu in a calm and steady voice.

“No sir,” said a voice behind him as Dr. Duffy caught up with him. “There is no one there sir and I would appreciate you telling me before you jump off your bed and leave sickbay.” She scanned him. “You're fine sir, you passed out on the bridge.

“SEND ME THE CHOSEN ONE” a voice bellowed so loudly it hurt Alaina’s ears.

TBC in prt 4

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Captain Ahkhsu Trensu
Commanding Officer
USS Oberon


Lieutenant Commander Niali Deval
Executive Officer
USS Oberon


Lieutenant Commander Alaina Trywhitt-Duffy
Chief Medical Officer.
USS Oberon


Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Oberon


Ensign Penny McTaggard
USS Oberon


Ensign JoAnne Grant
USS Oberon


Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence officer
USS Oberon


Ensign Genevieve Middleton
USS Oberon


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