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First impressions

Posted on Thursday November 19th, 2020 @ 8:15pm by Captain C'Rell

Mission: Jeepers Creepers!
Location: Marine Barracks Galley section

Yanni sat and sipped at her coffee going over her reports for the day. She had done her first security shift and then taken a four hour rock climbing set on the holodeck. She was beat. Her legs begged for a soak in a hot tub or something. ‘Or a nice foot massage from Thomas.’ her mind supplied. But that would mean getting up. So instead she was here stuck in a chair listening to Kai jabbering on like a Jaybird about everything and anything. For the moment it was something about a dog named Mitch… Yani tunned it out again.

Kai knew Yani wasn't litending thus had made it a point to start making up wild nonsense just to see how long it took for Yani to catch just how far down the rabbit hole Kai might have gone. Still though she hated it when Yani was being pointedly rude. So in the spirit of communication attention deficit. Kai said, “And then a giant spider landed on your face.” At the same moment the black rubber spider flew out of her hand and landed right on Yanis face. Kai smartly ducked and ran, Giggling at the howl that followed and then the annoyed cry of:

”Damn it Kai stop running I am gonna clobber you for that!!” Yani had screamed like a banshee and nearly solid herself as the giant spider had landed on her face. It had been eerily realistic, hairy and slightly sticky. So shed had to peel it off her face as it clung. Her pain forgotten she had leaped to her feet and taken chase the giant spider toy in hand she drew back her arm and launched it. Then watched in horror as Kai ducked, dropped and slid under one of the Galleys long tables, only for the spider to find the XO, right in the back of the head.

A clawed and furred hand came up to grasp the offending object. The sharp claws easily pierced the spider and the liquid filling oozed out like real spider fluids. The feline head turned, as the bat like ears turned back, to look at the two females causing the disruption. He let out a low growl. "Lieutenant, Private, front and center."

Yanni had come to a skidding halt. She looked up at the giant cat like creature that reminded her so much of Zymbus it was like a knife to the gut. He was huge but so was her anger, then the XO rank sunk into her brain and the angry retort she was about to unsiely sling stuck in her throat and made her start to choke.

Kai who had almost made it to the exit had also stopped and was now making her way back to them a guilty smirk on her face. she looked up at the Kzin with an impish 'Oh gosh I didnt mean nothing buy it' look that made her eyes wide and childlike, innocent even. She turned up the charm by chewing at her lower lip nervously.

C'Rell's turquois eyes moved from one to the other. "You two are marines and I expect you to bring honor to that uniform." He looked at Yanni. "You are a Lieutenant and an officer. You will act your station or I'll have you on galley duty for a month." He turned to look at Saus'kai. "I thought better of you Private. I do not like practical jokes."

"No worries Friend C'Rell there wasn't anything practical about that joke." Kai said in her sweet tone.

Yanni knew better then to even try she was not a Zelarkain and held not their damn charm. She merely nodded in agreement with the XO and prayed he let it go at that. But With Kai being... Well Kai Yani was already certain she was going to be having a very long night now.

"Private, we are on duty therefore you will refer to me as Sir or Captain. I will only say this once, I don't like jokes or pranks and I expect the best you have to offer the honorable Marines." C'Rell looked from Kai to Yanni. "Now the two of you will report back here after chow is over and clean this galley. You will also sing the Marines fight song while doing so. Do you understand?" He asked them.

Yani wanted to kick Kai right in the butt. instead she replied with a well disciplined "Yes Captain!"

Kai was looking at C'Rell as if he had gone and broke her heart. She even sniffled holding back her toxic tears. "B..b..but I thought we were" the sniffles grew and Kai had to run off to a place less populated to avoid poisiong the platoon.

Yani stood there not taking her eyes off the big cat and praying she was not going to suffer for Kai's emotional outburst.

C'Rell turned to look at Yanni. "Go and retrieve the Private and becareful, you don't get any of her tears on you, she has a natural toxin in her system that makes her poisonous to most other species."

"I have anti venom I should be alright sir." Yani said as she ran off to do as he asked her to do. It was Kai and this chore was not going to be easy. Especally when she saw the tiny Zelarian climb up into the air vent in the hall. The last think C'Rell heard was a loud. "GOD DAMN YOU KAI!!!! GET OUT OF THE VENTALATION SHAFT!! I'M NOT GOING TO CHASE YOU!" then a frustrated growl as Yani ended up having to do just that.

C'Rell let out a hiss like sigh as he watched the Lieutenant scramble into an open vent. He walked over and watched the spectacle.


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