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A Statement of Trills.

Posted on Tuesday January 17th, 2023 @ 8:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Niali Deval Dr

Personal Log Niali Deval.

In the days since I returned from Trill I have been getting to know my new symbiont Tridan Duval. Most of his life was taken up with architecture and building on several different worlds apart from Trill. His beautiful structures included high arches and waterfalls flooding buildings with light. He wanted beautiful places for all to live. There is absolutely no artifice in him, it is wonderful to be at peace with my symbiont. He can teach me a lot about that, peace. Prior to those memories are those of Alexa Triscott-Howell a medical doctor whose work on Symbiosis was well known throughout the Federation and much vaunted on Trill. She was very beautiful and had five husbands, not at once of course. Lastly Captain Adajil Pariciem. Adajil was a Captain of the reconnaissance ship Fenris of the Trill Fleet. His mapping of the ‘outer rim’ of the Varada system helped push through trade that helped Trill become the thriving economy it is today.

As for Korial I don’t know or care where he is. I believe he was implanted and I hope whomsoever got him can manage the cruelty. Anyway I am not thinking about him apart from the fact that I must apologise to my crew for all he put them through.

I speak weekly to my Aunt Issa. She worked so hard to bring me this wonderful symbiont and, now through her I am glad to be joined. Although she suffered a kidnap as I approached Trill my sedated body was taken by those who wanted to take the Korial symbiont and implant him in their own host so he could return to his old life. I was saved by Aliana, Finchley and Karadis and have them to thank for my life.

His current host was an architect, the previous a doctor whose work on symbiosis was well know throughout the Federation. The last one a Captain from a Trill reconnaissance ship. ~perfect for Niali~ she thought. Downloading the information to her PaDD she picked it up, drained her coffee and headed for the Bridge.


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