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Diplomatic Shenanigans - Part II

Posted on Thursday September 30th, 2021 @ 11:14pm by Lieutenant Jordan Chase & Lieutenant Yuri Koloff

Mission: Jeepers Creepers 2: Creepers In Flight
Location: Intelligence Center
Timeline: Current


"Yes well I am here to do my job," Yuri commented as he took a vacant seat at the table. "So you were saying?"

Jason set the coffee cup down, an audible clank from it being empty, "I'm still compiling the logs, I'll need another day to start forming conclusions from those and possible anticipation of future targets."

Jordan let out a sigh as she looked back and forth between each person. The upcoming conference and worries about those attending were still heavy on her mind.

Jason quickly switched topics "I do have the dossier's on the arriving diplomats and their entourages, some are very thin others are quite extensive for when the respective groups arrive."

Nodding in his direction, Sakaan signalled her approval. 'We should begin with the Klingons,' she said, before looking at Koloff, 'if you approve, of course.'

Jason scrolled too his notes "The two main diplomats are just that, while they both have a military background its far less extensive outside of several high profile campaigns, Krod is higher ranking not just militarily but also within the social structures within Klingon society, his second (insert this name) has a more extensive military history but fewer high profile military assignments so its unclear too his exact role and why he's even assigned too this mission." He paused too grab a mouth full of coffee "Most of the security detail are from the main military branches except for the head of that detail a Colonel Morog, his file is slightly longer and his file, footnote here his file has gaps goes back too the later months of the Dominion War so he is a veteran officer."

"Seems like the Colonel is more qualified than either of them based on his record of service and experience." Yuri commented. "Klingon Service is unique in that in that even the lowest rank can achieve honour and respect if they perform well in battle." He scrolled over the notes. "The other two barely have the same level combined with his."

Jason made a note on his pad too dig a bit deeper, "The Romulan groups are going too take more time to filter through, there's divisions socially as well as politically based upon various regional disparities and social standings, its more confusing than twentieth century political systems."

Nodding in agreement, Sakaan chimed in, 'we believe that the Romulan Republic has been easier to infiltrate thus far. Certainly we seem to have more actionable intelligence as to their ambassadorial team and motives - namely, Federation recognition and assistance against both the Klingon and Romulan Empire.' She shrugged, 'or rather, what remains of the Empire.'

'That faction seems to be more difficult to infiltrate. What remained of the Tal Shiar has embedded itself firmly within the former Empire and it's current territory and has a stranglehold. If either of you have an inkling as to who will be amongst their delegation and their motives, it would help us and Lieutenant Chase immensely.'

"thank you, I'm still working on the Romulan Empire files, they're severely disjointed and incomplete in several cases, but there's a complete file on T'shian one of the aide's of the ambassador, simply put she doesn't have much of a military record beyond the minimum required conscription service and a record of attendance at several Romulan diplomatic missions over the last 12 years, including one I was in attendance for." Jason stopped to measure the room's reaction.

Jordan gave Lt Elliot a speculative glance. His comments about the known attaché files being thin concerned her. "Is there any way we can get more information on those thin files? I think it's rather disconcerting that they would send representatives that had not proven themselves with more significant records."

"I've got a request in to review official and other log entries on several previous diplomatic gatherings prior to the collapse of the Romulan empire, but that will take time that we don't have, I'm also trying to track down Derrick Travis an intel officer who was at the Khitomer conference seven years ago." Jason took another massive haul on his coffee, "one thing I can add thought, there's a military representative with the Romulan Republic name Saror, his name is on their list of attendee's. He's known to share similar views to some Federation moderates who want too have a stronger peace with the Romulans on the whole."

Pausing as she took a sip of her own tea, Sakaan considered the man's words for a moment. "Would you care to elaborate on Saror? His service, perhaps his ideas on intra-Romulan affairs?" She shook her head slightly as she analysed the problem, "our end goal should be to stabilise the sector so we can turn our attention to the pirates affecting trade here. Can this man assist?"

"Saror has a fascination with several Mediterranean countries on Earth, food, architecture, even some cultural aspects." Jason looked around the table "He's known to order dishes such as Pizza or pasta when on a mission involving the Federation so far as informal talks of any kind we'll have too meet him on his terms, especially if we're going to get a clear picture of everyone's intentions."

'I can't imagine a Romulan of his stature has been to Earth all that often. The Romulans have kept their distance ...' Sakaan mused. 'I believe that the foods you have mentioned belong to the Italian cuisine. Does he perhaps have an interest in Ancient Rome? We could use it to our advantage - a tailored visit to the holodeck, perhaps?' Although not Earth, Sakaan knew the holodeck was still a powerful diplomatic tool to use.

"I'd like too have a final count on their security detail, that would make any forms of informal talks challenging, I need those details in order too set plans in motion, could I also get a copy of the final itinerary so we can pick our moment." Jason replied looking around for support.

'I dare say the resources of the Intelligence Department could be bent to that end,' replied Sakaan drily. 'I would hope by week's end we have plenty of data regarding the composition of the delegations. The Klingons ought to be easy enough to surveil as they're already here. It's the Romulan Empire we need to crack. Any ideas?'

"Sub Commander Si'enne, she's been part of a diplomatic event I attended three years ago when I first started with intelligence as a researcher, I've had rare but good communication with her up until about 22 months ago, she's on the preliminary list that I have here, I've gotten the feeling she's got an agenda that we can exploit, but I'm sure it'll have a cost" Jason said setting down his coffee "Even for someone from the empire she's considered a liberal."

'Can we arrange a meeting off-station before the delegations set out?' Sakaan asked directly to Elliott. 'I think a trip might refresh our minds and bodies. We could pass it off as a small scientific survey near the border.'

"I'll send a message too her through our pre-arranged methods, but it could take about sixteen hours." Jason said.

Quirking an eyebrow Sakaan acknowledged the junior Intelligence officer. 'Very well. It's a starting point. We shall reconvene in sixteen hours to hear her answer.
Jason stood "I'll get too work and see what happens."

Sakaan nodded at each of them as they got up from their places. 'I look forward to seeing you in sixteen hours, officers.'


Lieutenant Yuri Koloff
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Three

Lieutenant Jordan Chase
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Deep Space Three

Lt JG Jason Elliot
Assistant Chief Intelligence officer
Deep Space Three

Lieutenan Sakaan
Mission Adviser
Deep Space Three
[PNPC Lt. Cmdr. Ithahr th'Shrannok]


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