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Not my views prt3

Posted on Thursday May 26th, 2022 @ 8:09am by Lieutenant Steven Edgeware & Lieutenant Commander Curzon Bennett



Steven rubbed his chin.

“ I think this is a good case of absence makes the heart grow fonder. I have no wish to leave the service or the Oberon. She will just have to get used to the idea. Her son is a Starfleet officer and that’s that.” He said

Sighing, and allowing a relieved smile to cross his face, Bennett nodded. 'I for one am grateful that you've made that decision, Doctor. The Oberon is of course better off with you as her Chief Medical Officer. Your experience is going to be invaluable.' He chuckled, 'you can tell that to your mother.'

“ Wouldn’t do any good. Wasting my time flying around the stars treating green blooded aliens. That is the last thing she said to me. Saying that I noticed that we have been given a large supply of anti radiation treatments. Is this an error or do you expect trouble?” Steven asked.

'We don't quite know what's in the Shackleton Expanse,' Bennett replied, 'not many probes have made their way in and out again. All we're sure is that it's a turbulent patch of space that is quite vast.'

Steven suddenly felt nervous.

“ The Shackleton Expanse. Were that be made common knowledge outside Starfleet. Only if she found out about that I fear for the residents of Ballybrack,” Steven said.

Bennett grinned, 'risk is part of our business, Doctor - it's why we're out here. It's why we do what we do.' Bennett leaned forward. 'I am quite sure your mother will make you the talk of Ballybrack when we return having solved the disappearance of Deep Space Three. She'll enjoy having a front row seat to your medal ceremony.' He dropped his voice, 'it won't be easy, Doctor. And I don't expect you to put your mother out of mind, but I assure you, she'll understand when we return.'

Steven knew that in his mothers case this would be the opposite. He remembered once when an uncle caught a robber. Everyone in Ballybrack celebrated except his mother. Who was not impressed with her sister who she said was showing off. Steven never understood her for that and asked why. To which she replied.

“If we all went along cheering every time someone did a good deed. There would be none worth doing!”

This confused him even more.

“To be honest if it took a million years for us to trace what happened to our old station. She would still have a face like a smacked ass,” he replied.

Shaking his head in return, Bennett replied, 'it looks like you've reached an impasse with her - she'll never understand your devotion to Starfleet.'

“ Well. That’s all down to her. Would you care for a drink? I could do with a cup of sweet tea.” Steven said

Bennett was correct. Whatever Steven did his mother would never be happy. All she wanted was for her only son to be tied to her apron strings. Back in Ballybrack on Earth.

'I would enjoy a raktajino,' Bennett smiled as he motioned a waiter to the table and gave their order. 'Thank you for sharing this with me this morning - I know it can't have been easy for you.'

Steven smiled.

“ Yes……. You know I can never see the attraction of raktajino. To me it just tastes like spicy mud.” He replied.

Chuckling Bennett replied, 'it's an acquired taste to be sure, but one I learned to like during the War, Doctor. Kept us running hot for the most of it.'

Steven made a face.

“Not for me. I tried it once and ended up with a few visits to Mr Water-closet. No a good mug or cup of Kenyan or Italian is good for me. Although I have heard that the Gorn are rumoured to have a version of coffee. They go crazy over. Unfortunately it’s fatally poisonous to humans. So only our Gorn comrades can drink it,” he said.

Breaking out in to a short laugh, Bennett shook his head, 'I can think of a fair few people I would be happy to ask to sample a Gorn coffee doctor,.'

“ Actually it looks disgusting plus the smell can burn your throat. I thought as a Starship Captain your not allowed to think such thoughts.” Steven replied

Suddenly his comm badge chirped.

“=/\= Nurse Green to Doctor Edgware. We need you in Sickbay urgent! =/\=“ Said a voice

“ Oh my way.” He replied.

Looking at the CO.

“ I must go. Speak again soon” He said


Lieutenant-Commander Curzon Bennett
Commanding Officer
USS Oberon

Lieutenant Dr Steven Edgware
Chief Medical Officer
USS Oberon


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