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New Physical

Posted on Friday June 3rd, 2022 @ 1:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Niali Deval Dr & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

Location: USS Oberon / Sickbay



Following her trip to the bridge Niali knew her next port of call was sickbay for her physical. She chuckled all the way thinking of her meeting with Finchley. Her assignment had just become much more interesting. She entered sickbay and immediately felt at home, although the memories that she had fought so hard to suppress began to sneak back. Post traumatic stress disorder they called it, so, eventually she had had to give up her medical career. However the proverbial ‘smell of the greasepaint’ still took her back. As she looked for the CMO she noted her hands were visibly shaking and she took deep breaths to settle it. “Excuse me” she asked seeing a male in a medical uniform. “I am looking for the CMO, my name is Niali Korial and I am here for my physical.”

Steven looked up from the padd he had been reading. The female officer before him looked pale.

“ You have indeed found the very person you are looking for. Doctor Steven Edgware at your service ma’am. Are you alright?” Edgware asked concerned.

Niali sighed, “just some ptsd from being here in sickbay Doctor,” she was now shaking visibly, “I need to sit down please, I do not usually react as badly as this. Can you please check my symbiont?” Niali asked.

Steven ran a probe over Niali’s mid section.

“ Your symbiont seems fine. Although knowing them their probably more worried about you. But never fear for I have a tried and well trusted method of calm people down. Hear take this brown paper bag. Then put it to your mouth and breath deeply in and out slowly. I know it sounds crazy my dear. But trust me I know it works.” Steven said

Niali smiled, he obviously had not read her history, however his method was valid and she accepted, placing it over her mouth gradually increasing her carbon dioxide. “Thank you,” she said. “I usually try to avoid sickbay as much as possible…….we have a history.”

Steven gave a nod.

“ Yes I saw your record.Ok. Protocol first. I must ask you if you wish me to take your physical or a female member of staff?” Steven asked.

“Thank you for asking Doctor, I am perfectly happy for you to perform my physical. I hope as Chief Counselor we will work very well together. Trust is very central to that. I miss medical very much but, we must all move on when we have to and make the best of things.” She smiled. “I am, in fact feeling better now.”

Steven began the physical.Apart from some elevated readings which he put down to her PTSD everything seemed fine. He had read through her file and considering what had happened. In a way he did not blame her for not feeling comfortable in sickbay. After what happened to deep space three he felt the same about space stations.

“ Well everything checks out. I hope we can work together because this crew needs a counsellor. After what happened with Deep Space Three. A lot of people still have issues including myself. I will need to book some sessions with you.” He said

Niali nodded, she chose not to disabuse the CMO as to where she had obtained her ptsd. “I am looking forward to beginning as soon as possible, my door will always be open and I will be available whenever you want me.” She smiled, “I am here to help and heal.” She swung her legs over the biobed and jumped down. “Have you finished with me Doctor?”

Steven looked over her file.

“ I do have one concern. Your PTSD it seems to be triggered by your proximity to a sickbay. Usually the counsellors office would be near sickbay. It might be a prudent idea to keep a distance from here. Also to help you settle in here. Any future health needs can be treated as a house call. That way you won’t have to come in here. Unless it’s something that can’t be fixed outside of this area. Hopefully that should help. Do you have any meditation techniques?” Steven asked.

Niali was surprised that the CMO would go to such levels to help her. She was not sure that he had had access to her redacted records but the deadly attack on her when she was CMO of the Vespressin had affected her hard resulting in her ptsd. Being ‘dead’ would have had that result on most people but having spent 24 hours prior being tortured added to the diagnosis. Having to give up her medical career because of it really hung heavy on her. She came out of her reverie.

‘Yes Doctor thank you. I have a Vulcan friend who helped me learn to meditate. On occasion it does not work so I may be calling on you at that time. As for the proximity of my office I am trying to live as normally as possible so I will try to leave it where it is. If it becomes untenable I will move it to another deck.

“ Well. Should you need any help. My door is always open or I will come to you. But for now your free to go.” Steven said

“Thank you very much Doctor and, please call me Niali. She turned and left sickbay the nausea gradually receding as she put distance between it and her.


Lieutenant (jg) Dr Niali Korial
Chief Counsellor
USS Oberon
Lieutenant Dr Steven Edgware
Chief Medical Officer
USS Oberon


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