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Back again Pt III

Posted on Wednesday September 7th, 2022 @ 9:04am by Lieutenant Finchley Kerr & Lieutenant Commander Niali Deval Dr & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

Mission: New Worlds
Location: USS Oberon
Timeline: Current.

As Maxx was sealed in his lab he was going through a lot of code and data on what happened to the ship and found a virus that caused the ship to be redirected. Maxx grunted as he needed a cup of coffee to calm his nerves a bit since they had a saboteur onboard. He isolated the virus and moved it to a portable hard drive memory stick and removed it from the system. Now the ship's guidance system was back to normal so he sent a message to engineering and let them know what he found. Then he looked at the video screen to see his drones were slowly picking off the intruders and a message was being sent to security where the intruders were located. Maxx was focused as his eyes were on the ships computer systems as well as the drones. Then he realized some of the intruders were trying to break into the science department which he had sealed. He smirked as they failed to see the cloaked drones behind them which stunned them without hesitation. Once again Maxx sent a message to security to notify them of a new location for the stunned intruders.

Jason was in a mood that could match whatever was going on, tense. He'd managed to sneak in some sleep followed by a the security alerts, he rounded the corner near the lab he saw four of the intruders on the ground stunned, "Elliot to Maxx, there's four on the ground outside your lab, is this your handy work?"

Maxx tapped a button on the console and replied, "Yes sir. I have drones scattered about the ship stunning the enemy as well as locating them for security personnel. What is your situation?"

Ensign Grant walked into the lab.

"Can I be of any assistance, Sir?" Jo asked.

[Arles’ quarters]

Tor had managed to avoid what looked to him like very sophisticated security drones. In his mind he knew that everything was unravelling but his only thought was Arle. He had found her quarters by cornering a young female crew member who told him where she was. He did not hurt her and let her go watching her scramble up and run off. Smiling grimly he made his way to the designated place and rang the chime. Nothing happened and it seemed quiet for moment then a scream ripped through him from inside. “ARLE?” he shouted and the door opened. His jaw dropped as he saw his wife about to give birth and his mother, the First Minister with her sleeves rolled up and decidedly not in minister mode.

Ara stood “Tor” she exclaimed “my son”. He looked between her and his wife unsure for the first time what to do.

“Mother, I did not expect to see you here.”

“We are here to begin the talks to join the Federation but there seems to have been an incursion onto the ship, the Captain is down and a Commander Finchley Kerr is in Command but, I have not seen him for a while. I found this woman about to give birth and am trying to help.

“Mother, this is my wife Arle.” Tor rushed over to Arle, “I am here now. Arle smiled wanly and, as another contraction began began to squeeze his hand.

[Jeffries tube]

Judging it to be very dangerous to leave Niali on her own. Steven managed to get her into the Jeffries tube before continuing his search for Finchley and Karadis. He had already spoken with nurse Kitan. He had great faith the nurse would be ok.

Niali woke with a start wondering where Steven had gone. “Computer how long have I been here?” She inquired. I

“One hour” the voice intoned.

“Any change in the missing status of Commander Kerr or Karadis?”

“They are still missing” the voice intoned again.

Niali picked up her phaser, deciding to return to sickbay she began to crawl towards the entrance into the corridor. Her wound opened again and she began to feel dizzy but she gritted her teeth and slowly continued.

He heard movement long before Steven saw anything.

“ Niali! You should be….. lean back.” Steven had seen the blood. He ran a probe over the damaged area. Then he applied the derma regenerator. “I can’t replace the blood you have lost. Your soon be at the point where things begin to shutdown. I can’t make you go to sickbay. It’s up to you. Either stick with me , rest here or go to sickbay.” Steven said

Niali nodded, “I will stay with you Doctor, until I have to rest.” She said thankfully. “I am so glad you found me again, I am just so worried about Commander Finchley and Karadis. For the moment the bridge is locked down, we just need to find Tor and the rest of his group. Not forgetting Ensuring First Minister Ara is safe.” Niall laughed. “Quite a shopping list eh Doctor?”

“ About that thing we did to Tor. I have been studying his bio readings plus the rest of his gang. Well the ones knock out that I found along the way. As you remember I said their DNA is a little to near Klingon DNA as I would like. Anyway he would of started to recover a lot quicker. Without my giving him that antidote. We where very lucky.” Steven said.” Now we should find the Commander first. Where would Finchley go?” He asked.

“Well I checked our quarters and Karadis, they are not on the bridge, other than that Doctor I do not know. Maybe they would want to check on the First Minister or Arle? We should possibly check there. I am also worried about my sister.”

“ Well have leave the Jeffries tube.We need to get to deck four.You cannot climb ladders with your injury.”Steven said.

Luck was with them as they found a turbo.Without running into any trouble.

[Corridor deck 4 guest quarters]

They cautiously entered the guest quarters corridor, seemingly quiet the rounded the corner and ran straight into Finchley and Karadis.

The turbolift doors opened on deck two and Karadis walked out into the corridor and picked up the two COMM badges belonging to her and Kerr. Walking back into the 'lift, she handed Finchley his and said "What now?"

"Now we head for the First Ministers quarters, make sure she's protected" Finchley replied "Computer, deck four" he said as the doors closed.

Moments later the doors opened again and they both carefully stepped out into the corridor. a few of the intruders lay still on the corridor floor and Finchley carefully checked a couple "Just stunned, out cold" he said to Karadis.

They made their way slowly along the corridor until they stood outside the First Ministers quarters.

“Commander! Kardis!” She whispered loudly. What the hell are you doing without your Comm badges, the Doctor and I have been searching for you, I thought you were……” her rant tailed off as she saw how gravely wounded the pair were. Doctor?” She exclaimed.

Edgeware hurried over and began scanning.

“ Well Commander it seems you won’t be sitting in the grim reapers chariot today. This should keep you going until the Oberon is safe. But once that’s achieved you have an appointment in sickbay. That goes for you to Karadis no arguments.” Steven said as he worked on Finchley.

"You won't get any arguments from either of us Lieutenant, but we have more important matters to deal with, such as what's happening inside that room" Finchley replied.

Inside Arles quarters she had just given birth to a son. Wrapped in a blanket he was at his mothers breast contentment seemed, for a moment to run throughout the room. Tor sat, cradling his sons head and Ara sat, exhausted in a nearby chair, the sleeves of her brocaded robe covered in the blood of her daughter in law.
So, Tor you and Arle are married?”

He nodded “yes, we were married off world, we met as I was looking for transport off Our world. Arle was returning to Trill so I hitched a lift. We wrecked out on a planet a long way from here, fell in love……”

Ara interrupted him. “You are a wanted man, you and your group of assassins.”

Tor laughed bitterly, “most would call us freedom fighters mother. All we want to do is have these genetic changes that made us soldiers reversed so we can come home.” His tone became hard. “It is YOUR government that will not allow that, or even consider helping us. So, we decided to seize this ship to help us trace the bastards that did this to us.”

Ara bristled, “my son, Tor I spoke against this but the quorum listened instead to Security Minister Valev. The Oberon arrived to help broker our admission to the Federation but, we knew they would never countenance the societal changes the security ministry wanted. To keep your genetic enhancements and keep you all confined until such time as we needed our military again.
Valev is here on board and I think he is trying to assassinate me.”

“OVER MY DEAD BODY” Tor roared.

“We need to get in there now” whispered Niali.” She touched her comm. =/\= computer override door lock guests quarters deck 4 in ten seconds authorisation Niali 1959 =/\= stay behind us Doctor. She drew her phaser although she was becoming increasingly dizzy. 54321 the door slid back.

Karadis propped Finchley against the door surround and as the doors slid back said "Why don't you cover us from the door Bird?"

Finchley nodded and held his phaser up and watched as the group entered Ara's quarters and then made his way inside.

"Right, nobody move!" Karadis shouted as she covered everyone.

“Everyone, let’s see your hands?” Niali ordered, then saw the baby. Her eyes widened and she wanted to do nothing but run to her sister.

Minister Ara breathed a sigh of relief, Tor attempted to grab his phaser so Niali downed him on heavy stun and he hit the floor at Arle’s feet. Arle screamed and Ara said “he has been here for a while and was not going to hurt us!”

It took a bit for Niali to speak as she felt as though she were walking through a sandstorm, thick and heavy. “It’s only stun ladies, he was going for his weapon.”

Ara knelt down by her son and looked at Finchley. “Commander Tor only wants these genetic enhancements removed, they all do, and then to come home to whatever punishment is deemed fit for them. That is why they came aboard. To use the enhanced search capabilities of the ship.”

Niali interrupted, “First Minister you son wanted to kill me!” She sat down hard on the bench. “He will have to pay for …that.”

"It's true First Minister" Finchley said "The fact that he thought he could take over this ship doesn't even begin to excuse his intent" he continued. He turned his head as he heard a faint sound of phaser fire, then a commotion out in the corridor followed by more phaser fire, this time much much closer.

He looked at Karadis and Niali "Someone's coming this way, protect the mother and child, get them and the First Minister into the back room, NOW!"

“Can you stand Arle?” Niall asked taking her hand. Arle handed the baby to Ara who decamped into the other room. “Doctor please check my sister and then arm yourself.”

“ I’ll help do that.” Steven said

Finchley looked at Tor, and made a snap decision that he hoped would be the right one. Tossing his phaser to him, Finchley said "Whoever comes through that door, I'm going to try and take down, anyone else comes in, stun them."

Tor caught the phaser and nodded at Finchley who stood to the side of the door.

Niali I came back out and stood her ground although her wound had reopened and she hoped she had the strength to continue.

Valev and the three soldiers had their weapons set to kill. “I want everyone in that room dead, no witnesses understand…but leave the First Minister to me.” He smiled cruelly. “I want her to suffer before she looks death in the face. He stood behind the three as they stood outside the door, listening.

Inside, Finchley heard the conversation Valev had with those with him. Turning to Tor and Niali, he motioned with hand movements, silently telling them there were 4 people outside. Three were going to rush in, one holding back. He pointed to Tor to stun the first two and then to Niali to stun the third one. He would then tackle the fourth and for Tor and Niali to rush them and apprehend them.

He crouched slightly, and the doors to Ara's quarters opened...

It seemed to Niali to take forever for the doors to open but in truth it took only a second before phaser fire ripped through the gap into the room. Niali was aware that their weapons were set to kill and looked at Tor. What he did in the next few seconds would either help or condemn him. A blast shot from his phaser as, even before the trio entered one of them slammed back into the corridor. The other two burst in and Niali downed one. The other taken down again, by Tor. She heard a scream of fear from Arle in the back room and the baby began to cry. Valev stood for a second nonplussed in the corridor. He had not thought that Ara would be guarded but, like all homicidal bullies he had relied on others. He picked up the phaser dropped by the stunned guard in the corridor and ran, laying down a barrage of phaser fire behind him.

Niali breathed raggedly realizing that she had taken a shot to her right thigh. She held her hand to the wound knowing that she had already lost a great deal of blood. “Doctor….Commander” She heard herself cry as her voice seemed to recede into herself. “We must apprehend Valev alive in order to…” her knees gave way.

Steven swore as he ran over to Niali. Steven could see the new wound in her thigh. He managed to catch her as she slumped to the ground. After scanning her he let out another string of four letter words. Steven knew once this all over Commander Finchley would no doubt pull him to one side. About the Irishman’s language.

Edgeware tapped his comm. badge

“Edgware to sickbay come in urgent!“

=/\= Sickbay Ensign Pen…..=/\= Mc Taggard began.

“ Dr Korial has no time for that malarkey. Listen very carefully to me. Type into the computer code 167845.Go into Dr Niali Korials medical file.Your see her blood group. Then beam a transfusion pack plus blood. To this location and quickly. Unless you want a member of the Oberon’s command staff's death on your hands!” Steven said

=/\= Only the Chief….=/\= Penny began


“ Come on come on come on come on…” Edgware mumbled.

A minute later the transfusion pack plus blood arrived. Edgeware went to work on Korial immediately. He set up the transfusion equipment and once he made sure Ensign McTaggard had sent the correct blood. He inserted it Niali’s arm. Then he ran a device over her prone body. Including her thigh. Slowly it began to close up.

Niall’s eyes opened as the platelets began to fill her bloodstream. She could not move a limb however she knew the doctor was in danger..”Steven, down!” she ordered and disappeared back into unconsciousness.

As Valev ran into the room, firing, Finchley stuck out his leg and caught the Security Ministers leading foot. Valev tumbled forward and the phaser he was holding flew out of his hand towards Tor. As quickly as he could manage, Finchley reached Valav as he tried to regain a standing position, caught him by the shoulder and forced him back onto the ground, shouting "Down and stay down!"

Looking at Tor he then said "If this man moves, stun him."



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