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Secrets of Mion Nova

Posted on Saturday December 31st, 2022 @ 8:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Niali Deval Dr & Lieutenant Steven Edgeware

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Mion Nova
Timeline: Shore leave


The wind still whipped around the shuttle as Niali fell into a fitful sleep. Occasionally she moaned as scenes from Korial’s past played in her head like old celluloid movies from centuries ago. It was not a restful sleep.

Due to the storm parts of the ground had become quite soft. This effected the stability of some of the trees. One, in particular, lurched as it roots became loose. Then with its century old anchor now gone. It crashed towards the ground. As it fell the roots became exposed. Dislodging the ground around it. Exposing for the first time since it had been deliberately blocked up. A cave entrance.

For a brief moment. The sensors on the shuttle picked something up. But then it vanished. Lucky Edgware had been watching.

“ What was that?” He asked.

"Some kind of sensor echo"? Jo replied. looking up from her sensors.

"I still don't detect any life forms, but I am sensing a great deal of energy. Could be causing sensor ghosts." Jo added.

NiLi sat up quickly her ears attuned to the question in Steven’s voice. “What was what?” She asked standing and walking over to him.

Steven looked at Jo surprised. He remembered the cub they had found plus its parents. Then he realized something. The tricorder had not picked the baby creature up or its parents. Somehow the animals of this planet had a natural block to being detected. There could be a whole planet down there filled with life. But the sensors would not pick them up.

“ We never detected our furry friend. Incredible, a natural sensor block. This energy, can you pinpoint it at all?” Steven asked

“I suggest we go exploring. it would get us out of here and the sand should not reach us down there.” Niali said looking at Steven, Jo, and Jason expectantly.

Jason looked over "We should start examining the structures, with caution, and I think we should stick together." he said shoving two leather-bound books back into his backpack.

Niali packed her backpack with a med tricorder a med kit and oxygen in case it was needed. “I suggest we all carry our own rations and water along with our phasers and torches. Jason is right, we should all stay together. I will go first” she waited “how is the storm now?”

Jason looked up at the weather display "The leading edge of the storm is three to four hours away, we can start with the large structure about a hundred meters away from the ship."

Steven nodded in agreement.

“ I agree in full. Plus that is where this sudden sensor hike came from. I know we are supposed to be on holiday. But I strongly suggest we go in armed. Only from the limited analysis of whatever that jump was. It had some kind of electro biosignal to it. Now it could be just the storm playing tricks on our tech or something is hiding down there.” Steven said.

“Set phasers to heavy stun,” Niali said dialing her weapon up. JoAnne are you coming with us or staying here?” She asked.

"If you don't mind I think I'll be going with you his time," Jo replied.

Jason strapped a thigh holster to his leg and a knife sheath to his other hip the Kukri knife slid into it. "Open comms are not an option this time."

“Right, let’s go Niali ordered opening the door into the lessening storm but still was hit by a wave of sand. She pulled her scarf around her nose and mouth and stepped out. She turned. “Jason please go first.”

Steven followed the XO. From the moment he put his head out into the fresh air. Something felt wrong. Perhaps it was the limited visibility.

Jason opened his tricorder, "Functions limited too short range on the higher settings."

“ This sand is going to be a….” Steven began. But he stopped mid-sentence he thought he saw something.

Niali shone her beacon in the direction Steven was looking, the swirling sand made it difficult to see the beam as it seemed to disperse in the wind. “We need to get under cover soon!” She shouted against the wind. She began to worry as Korial had begun to place his thoughts in her mind once again. She did not know how long she could keep him from breaking through. She grabbed Steven by his jacket. The storm made communication difficult but she tried anyway. “STEVEN IF I DO ANYTHING THAT LOOKS DANGEROUS TO THE TEAM DROP ME OKAY?” Niali didn’t know if he had heard her though.

“ Ok but the Captain may not be too happy. Dropping the XO is a court-martial offense.” Steven said

Steven squinted. What he had thought was a creature. Turned out to be a post leaning over. He saw some more runes. But unlike the others, they had seen. These seemed to be made of some kind of blue stone.

“ Jason look at this,” Steven said

"What is it,? "Jo asked.

Jason looked at the inscriptions on the stone, "This isn't a marker stone, it's something else." he pulled out the black leather book opening it to some yellowed pages, he studied the pages closely making comparisons to the inscription "The Mion Nova written language is derived off of this preserver dialect my dad encountered twenty years ago." pausing to examine the stone "This looks like a type of jade, but the coloring is quite bizarre, there's quite a high distribution of cobalt."

"I'm scanning low-level radiation, there is a bit of Iridium in there too. I think we will be okay for now," Jo added.

Jason nodded, "looks like its a metallurgical contamination in the blade and ornamental in the hilt and pommel."

Niali had just realized what Stephen had said, she laughed. “I’ll handle the Captain when I wake up if you need to do it.” She became serious. “I’m not sure about Korial.” She moved further into the cave entrance and suddenly the outside noise and swirling wind dropped dramatically. The cave echoed the sound of falling water as Niali turned a corner to see a large deep looking pool fed by a waterfall in the rock face. She ran a scan over it. “It seems okay to drink,” she said to herself knowing that Jason and Steven were still examining the stone. She ran her palm beacon over the wall and took a deep intake of breath. As far as she could see up into the darkness long streaks of deep green ran up through fissures in the rocks. Archaic symbols and pictures covered the walls on either side of the fissures. It was breathtakingly beautiful. “Jason, Steven, come here and look at this” she called loudly.

Steven studied the post closely. The markings seemed to stand out. The more he gazed at them the more the blue stone markings became more prominent. Why would they use a different color? It must have been important.

Jason stood up and walked over to Niali pausing, "Different language here." gesturing to the one engraving, "Some characters are shared from the other one Steven is still looking at, This will take longer to translate, the scene that's over here is curious..." Jason didn't finish his sentence he rolled up his sleeve "Uh guys!"

“ I was just….. what the?” Steven said coming over to Jason.

Naili had to drag her eyes away from the beauty of the blue stone, it seemed quite mesmerizing. She looked up. “Oh!” She exclaimed.

Jason looked at the string of symbols on the wall and made the comparison to the ones on his arm, "When in the search for a light look away from the dark." Jason turned to the group "We found our Rosetta stone, we can translate this." Jason pulled the journal out again.

“ That’s……hmmmmm Sounds like an old saying. But I can’t remember where I have heard this before.” Steven said

"It's a translation key dad came up with," Jason said looking at some pages in the journal.

"Let me scan it into my tricorder," Jo asked. "We might be able to get a translation matrix out of it." Jo clarified.

Niali had noted the blue stone continued down the rock into the pool below. The water was so clear she could see to the bottom. There appeared to be markings throughout the rock forming the floor. She leaned over the edge and felt drawn to the bottom of the pool. Patterns of swirling blue and green light seemed to fill her vision encouraging her to explore further. “Guys?” She whispered, “I’m going in.”

The water did look inviting. Steven ran a tricorder over it.

“ That’s odd. I am getting no readings from this pool. No temperature or chemical makeup. Nothing. Yet.” Steven dipped a hand in the water.” We can physically feel the liquid. Hmmm surprisingly warm as it happens.”

Jason was trying to translate the inscriptions "Looks like the settlement was the result of a colony ship that crashed here."

“Jason, Steven this rock pool is not a usual occurrence, look the walls are smooth, the diameters are perfect, not a centimeter different and it looks like there is a panel in the wall with something resting against it, and look, more writing.”She made up her mind, “I’m going in”. Without waiting she put her tricorder and palm beacon on the floor of the cave and slipped in. At first, she held her breath but then for some reason began to breathe the fluid in, it felt wonderful and seemed to envelop her body allowing her smooth movement down to the bottom. It seemed there was no darkness as the walls seemed lit. She reached the floor and stood encased in the fluid, then her eyes widened. There was a doorway in the side of the pool covered in runes and symbols. Leaning against the door was a beautiful Viking long sword studded with what seemed like rubies. She took it in her hand and looked upwards, just a slight movement of her feet carried her up to the surface. She leaned up on the side of the pool and climbed out. She became completely dry in an instant, look!? She handed the sword to Steven and Jason. “I think there is a ship down there.” She exclaimed. “And the sword is the key.”

Jason walked over to examine the sword, "The runes on the cross guard match the cavern." He looked at the book, and looked at the engraving closely, "This sword isn't much older than the settlement, it's been used in combat too." he paused again, "Same tribal sun as in the mural and on my arm, definitely one used by the watchers for the last century."

Steven’s head was in a whirl. This proved that whoever crashed here on Mia Nova. Visited Earth sometime before the 8th century. However, Jason’s comment that the sword had been used in combat. Made him take a closer look at it with Jason.

“ Unfortunately there is no way we can tell if this was used before or after they crashed? Can you feel a slight warmth coming off it?” Steven asked

“I believe….” Said Niali quietly as she stood up. “I believe we have found the ship they traveled to Earth on. The sword hilt needs to be inserted into the door to open the ship. We have to go!” Korial looked out through Niali’s eyes ~ they’re too scared to go. All they care about is themselves, they don’t want you with them Niali girl let’s go now, just the two of us ~ Niali smiled, giving me the sword and I will explore. That’s an order.” She said as Korial began to exert his influence on her.

Jason saw the abrupt change in demeanor, he looked to the captain who seemed to return the glance, "No Korial, I think you're going to take a nap."

With the simple flick of the wrist Jason tossed a small cylinder at Niali's feet, the metallic noise caused the right distraction as Jason pulled his phaser from it's holster, it hissed as it discharged a single quick bolt of light stunning the joined trill, a second later the adrenaline charged moment ended, and Jason stood there a cold expression on his face, he looked too the others, "Restrain her, there's something not so normal here."

Trensu raised an eyebrow "I do agree, but stunning her we can not get answers lieutenant. but that's for a later discussion." As the crew looked at Trensu. "do as the lieutenant said. Trensu conformed.

Jason put his pack on the ground, and there was an audible electronic noise coming from it, he looked to Trensu "Someone with some particularly strong telepathic abilities died in here and there for a lack of a better term energies are trapped here and it's influencing the Korial symbiont in a disturbing way."

Steven put some restraints on her. He then gave her a scan with his tricorder. As the Chief Medical Officer had stayed on the Oberon. It fell to him to act as medic on the away team. The readings worried him.

" We cant send her back to the Oberon. Whatever is causing Korial to entertain us with his unique personality. Has a hold on them and until we find a way to loosen its grip. Taking her away from this area. Could damage our XO. But this might be a good thing for us. So long as Korial is tied up. He could help us out here. If this ghost or whatever is focusing its powers on them both. It may ignore us completely. So what is our next move?" Steven asked

"Take her back to the flyer, sedated." Jason took off his coat "Put her in stasis if necessary."

He opened his pack and pulled out the tricorder and started to scan "There's an ambient energy reading, that's highly patterned."

Niali awoke suddenly to find herself in the familiar surroundings of the flyer. She had a head banging headache and to put a cap onto it she had discovered she was in restraints. For a moment she was confused and then suddenly it came to her. Jason had stunned her and….now yes she was in restraints. Naili was not usually an angry person but she found herself becoming more and more so. For the moment Korial was safely asleep and she was again herself. “Hello?” She shouted in the hope there was someone there. “I demand you let me out of here, NOW. I am your Executive Officer?”

Stepping into the back area "And I am the Captain, Niali ." Trensu said in a commanding tone. "How do you feel?" asked Trensu.

Niali was very angry, “Sir, did you give your permission to have me stunned, shackled, and if Lieutenant Elliot had his way sedated and put into stasis?” She asked. “I’m fine sir” she added, “at least I think so!”

Trensu gave a sly smile " yes and yet no. I would not let them put you in stasis Niali. But you were not yourself. You could have been a danger to yourself and your crew." explained Trensu in a kinder tone. "What was it you felt or heard in the cave Niali?" asked Trensu.

“Something very strange sir. You are aware I am having trouble with my symbiont? I never wanted him but I was unable to
Refuse.” She sighed, “Sir the Korial symbiont is very strong and has led, shall I say the life of one without any conscience. He is trying to take over my mind as I think he wishes to have this body. I have discussed this with our new ACMO and she is going to reach out to Trill. Having said this he has been containable until we came here. Sir, he has some kind of link with whatever is hidden in that cavern. He desperately wants to explore what seems to be the colony ship and the sword is the way to enter the ship. I was trying to do that when Lieutenant Elliot stopped me, quite rightly. But, we have to go sir, we have to see what is down there. However, if you deem it fit to remove me from duty we need to leave this place immediately.”

Trensu stood there looking at Niali thinking. "No, I will keep you on duty and we will get to the bottom of this. I think we need to return and find out what is this all about. We do need to solve this mystery. Just so you know if we need to we will stun you again if we need to. If what you say is true they will call us back soon," said Trensu with some confidence.

Steven looked around nervously. He could hear the XO's shouts.

Jason looked around the cavern, "This place is a tomb." scanned something "A haunted one."

Steven looked at the scanner's readings.

"Let's bring the XO back in here. I think this spirit might try and use her to communicate with us." Steven said as he turned to Grant.

" Could you bring the XO back in here, please? But do not undo her restraints. No matter how much she tells you of the dire consequences if you don't. But be respectful." Steven said.

"Yes, Sir I'm on it," Jo said.

She went to the back and brought in the XO, always very respectful of course.

Niali stood quietly with her eyes closed. She could see the scene inside the cave and very much wanted to be part of the exploration.

Jason kept scanning, "Keep Niali at the entrance." Jason started to rummage through his pack he hauled out a neural dampener, "This should block some of the influences, I'm questioning why no one else has been affected."

"Perhaps she has an allergy or one of her other biological responses kicked in. Have you checked her histamine levels"? Jo Asked.

Niali answered her voice echoing inside the cave. “It is because of my symbiont Jason, Korial can help if you let him come through. The secret is in the ship, the colony ship.


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu.
USS Oberon.

Lieutenant Commander Niali Korial.
Executive Officer.
USS Oberon.


Lieutenant Steven Edgeware
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Oberon.


Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Oberon.


Ensign JoAnn Grant
Chief Operations Officer
USS Oberon


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